Other Halves

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Nico wasn't happy about Hazel dragging him to her boyfriends frat party on the day of his 18th birthday. This was when he was eligible to find his soulmate.

Nico never expected to be able to, that's for sure. The universe was set up to give everyone a perfect match. And at least the universe was kind enough to make said perfect match destined to be close by. At least there was that.

All through high school Nico never came out of his shell, always keeping to his same few friends. He had a distinct comfort zone. And a frat party wasn't in his comfort zone.

But Hazel insisted.

When he stepped inside, he was lucky enough to hear a Mayday Parade song. As long as there was okay music, he could just sit in the least crowded corner and tune into that.

Hazel got on her tiptoes to search for Frank. "I think he's in the kitchen... He doesn't like particularly big crowds..." she mumbled to herself. "Wanna come with? Maybe get a drink?" She this time directed at Nico.

"Er, no. That's fine. Go have fun."

He would've loved to stick to Hazel's side all night. But he didn't want to be the third wheel and they deserved their alone time. They've only been soulmates for about a month, when Frank saw her at the library. Nico was actually greatfull for Hazel to get an older guy. He was mature, kind and could take care of his baby sister.

Nico saw several familiar faces when he shuffled through the crowd. He even exchanged polite conversation with Jason Grace. He too was with his soulmate Piper. The pressure was suffocating.

Nico wasn't positive on how it happened but he knew that he'd know when he met his perfect other half. He had the rest of his life now that he was 18 though it could happen any day.

He was very worried that maybe there was a mistake though. What if he was destined to spend the rest of his life alone? What if the universe had never caught on to his preference for men? It was nerve racking.

There wasn't much for him to do now. He had brought his backpack but chose to leave it in his car so his homework wasn't ruined by drunkards. He had his phone, he could read. So that's what he did.

He found a small arm chair and began reading. And reading. For a very long time. It was probably an hour and a half later when he finally put his phone back in his pocket.

It was slightly annoying, having mostly loud boys and slutty girls surrounding him.

On the other side of the room, the door opened and closed. And that's when it happened. A loud ringing sounded in his head and a throbbing pain was just behind his temples. His heart felt like it was burning.

He stumbled around blindy, knocking into things and barely hearing the same thing happening on the opposite side of the room.

Inconsiderate teens just pushed him around, ignoring the pain in his head and the burn in his heart. He grit his teeth and tried to stay upright.

He heard a vase shatter a few feet away and a groan of pain, and he was honestly worried he was somehow the cause. But then his body collided with another. The pain left his body.

He pulled away from the body but there was a pull between their bodies now, and the pain came back. He looked up into beautiful green eyes and the pain was dulled.

He saw recognition in the eyes of the other boy and the gears started turning in his head. He couldn't think logically with all this pain but the boy with green eyes hesitantly reached a big, shaking hand over to just barely touch Nico's shoulder and the pain left.

Now being able to focus, he realized 2 things.

1) Nearly everyone in the room was watching them, Hazel and a blonde girl looking extremely shocked.

2) This could only mean 1 thing. This guy must be his... his soulmate.

It would only make sense that this exchange was to identify his soulmate but now that his head was clear of pain and he was able to get a look at the green eyed boy, there was no way he was destined to get him. He was too perfect. Exactly what Nico would have wanted in a guy. He even smelled ideal. Nico didn't think he deserved this, not at all.

The boy stepped a little closer. "Hi," he just barely spoke, in a low octave. "Let's get out of here, yeah?" even his voice was a dream come true and Nico found himself nodding, not even wincing when the boy laced their fingers together and pulled him out the front door.

Nico was led to a pool in the backyard and they sat on a big inflatable, side by side and still holding hands.

The guy stared at him for so long. Just looking at his face. Nico looked right back until, eventually, he heard, "I - I'm Percy. Percy Jackson."

Nico smiled shyly. "Nico di Angelo,".

He received a beam in return. "Well, Nico di Angelo, I believe we were meant to be." Nico found his eyes looked much more beautiful in the moon light, so compatible with the pool water and Nico felt so lucky. He couldn't help himself.

He leaned in for a kiss.

(A/N) Vote and comment. Give me requests too, yeah? My updates are slow because OUAT and Smallville amd SPN and Glee and yeah. L8r.

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