7 Minutes in Heaven

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WARNING: SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX. THIS PART HAS THE NASTY. Probably not graphic... hold me, I'm scared.

Being at a party in the house of Percy Jackson was totally unexpected of me. For one, I was the quiet sophomore and he was the senior swim captain. I didn't have any business being here, really. But Jason insisted on dragging me here. Something about spending too many weekends alone with my nose in a book.

Jason said he even checked with Percy himself and me attending was apparently "No problem at all!". I'm really learning the downside of having one of my only friends be the football stud of Olympus High.

So here I am on a humid Saturday night in a room filled with around 30 of the school's most popular students. The room had cups of beer in clichè red solo cups placed strategically on various surfaces. Gaudy pop music was playing in the background, not quite as loud as should be expected from an event like this.

Having been abandoned by Jason in favor of Piper, I awkwardly stood shifting my eyes from one person to the next. I had a beverage to remove some of my tension and I would occasionally take a sip, despising the burn going down my throat.

Someone suddenly knocked into my side. Occasionally one of the drunkards would and I'd give them the most deadly scowl I could muster, but looking up from my spiked punch, my breath caught in my throat.

The incredibly fit form of Percy Jackson himself stood sheepishly looking down at me. Blushing, I ducked my head.

"H-hey! Nico, yeah? Sorry about bumping into you... I swear I was pushed!" he released some nervous laughter and I crunched down on my lower lip to conceal the smile that was fighting its way onto my face.

"Um, it's... it's alright." I peaked up at him from under my bangs and he was beaming at me. My blush intensified and I reached my hand up to nervously cover my mouth, a habit of mine.

"Hey, you take photos for the school paper, right? I think that's really cool." He gave me a breathtaking smile and I swear my heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do. I'd prefer to write, but there isn't a spot open..." I nervously trailed off at the end, really hating myself for these inadequate social skills. And in front of the hottest boy in school! How great, I thought sarcastically.

"Well, you're only a sophomore, right? You still have two full years!" He said, impossibly happy for something so minor and bland. I couldn't really think of anything to add so I just nodded awkwardly.

"Are you having fun? I was really excited when Jason asked if you could come. I've seen you around and I've sorta been wanting to meet you for a while now..." I sensed subtle flirting from the other boy but I brushed it off. I mean, why would he flirt with me?

I wildly nodded my head. I was going for polite and enthusiastic, but it ended up looking desperate and stupid. Another mental cringe.

Fortunately, my idiotic antics didn't deter Percy one bit and he continued small-talking me. Roughly 20 minutes later, right after he finished talking about his excitement for the upcoming Shark Week, a feminine voice announced that a game of spin-the-bottle would be partaking in 5 minutes.

Percy's eyes lit up and he turned his grinning face towards me. "What d'ya say? Wanna play a round?" Seriously, does he ever frown? I dumbly gaped at him and he chuckled in a low baritone, grabbing my elbow and towing me to the cleared out floor in front of the couch.

Percy gently pushed me down to where my back was leaning against the couch and he took his own spot a bit diagonal to me, by his best friend Annabeth Chase. Surprisingly, I felt jealousy well up in my chest but I pushed it down.

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