Chapter 7: Trip to Palmero

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The day Noel, Eliano, Tonio, and Mason had to go to Italy has finally come. The four of them were currently on their way to the airport to finally start their travel. The boys were speaking to each other about how they think the trip would be, unlike Noel who just had her eyes closed while listening to their conversation.

After about 20 minutes of driving, they had arrived at the airport where their family was waiting for them and also Noel's friends were there.

"I'm gonna miss you three." Karli had pulled her children into a hug. "Remember to call us when you land in Palmero. Tia Luna will be there when you arrive." She smiles as she walks over to Mason and hugs him as well, "you too knucklehead. Take care of them for me. You know Italy better than they do."

Mason smiles, "Of course I will. I promise." He gives a hug back to her.

"It's gonna be really weird without you." Alba fake cries as she wipes the fake tears.

"I'll only be gone for a few days. Maybe a week tops." Noel grins as she playfully punches her shoulder.

"Give everyone our regards." Olivie had given the siblings a tight hug which they returned as well.

"Also don't make too much trouble for Maida and Arturia. We all know they will let the hounds loose to hunt you down." Sebastian chuckles.

"We make no promises."

'Flight xxx New East, Tennessee to Palermo, Italy is ready for boarding. Please make your way to gate 2 and have your boarding pass and identification ready. Thank you.'

"Alright lets he-"


Suddenly, Noel was tackled to the floor by Johanna, who had literally tackled her into a tight hug. Her family was just staring at them with wide eyes. Both girls were on the floor with Johanna on top of Noel.

"I feel like I'm having a deja vu moment." Noel looks up at Johanna with a grin. "except this time, you know my name."

"You punk, I wanted to see you off. I woke up late and I came here as fast as I could." Johanna hits Noel's head playfully before getting off of her and helping her up. "Are you okay? You didn't get hurt falling?"

Pulling her into a hug Noel whispers in her ear, "I'm fine don't worry. I promise I'll be back soon. I'll call you when I land."

Johanna nods her head and returns the hug. "You better."

At that moment, Noel looked into Johanna's eyes, "I have to tell you something when I come back." She suddenly said.

Johanna looked at her with curiosity, "What?"

Before the youngest could reply, Eliano called her name, "We have to go."

His sister nodded her head and looked the Emory student again.

"I'll see you in a week."

"Be safe..."

She had let go to allow Noel and them to head out to board their flight.

And just like that, they had left New East to head to Palmero. Where the youngest Testarossa knew that it was where it all began.


After about a 12-hour flight, the 4 of them have finally arrived in Palermo. Finally, after all these years of being away, they have finally come back to where it all began.

"Oh my. I must be imagining that niece and nephews are here after so many years of being gone." A woman around her 60's wearing a floral red dress, black sandals, and also a white cardigan had walked up to them. Her blue eyes had stared right her Noel and the boys and her gray hair was pulled back into a loose braid.

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