27. The First Step

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Roseanne’s POV

December 25, 2029

I am in the kitchen with my parents; we are preparing a very hearty breakfast, as my sister and her family are coming to have breakfast with us. My mother was in charge of making the best pancakes that exist in the world; only my grandmother’s can beat her pancakes. Dad is helping her and at the same time preparing other things.

To be honest, I was mostly watching the two of them. They are adorable when they cook together.

“Good morning, beautiful family.”

A hoarse voice from someone who has just woken up takes over the kitchen. I look at her and smile, which is quickly returned. Lisa walks over to my mom and holds her around the waist, kissing the top of her head.

“Good morning, wonderful daughter-in-law.”

“Good morning, my favorite mother-in-law.”

“But you only have one that I know of.”

I groan and they both end up laughing, totally ignoring my slight revolt. She turns to my father this time and they share a warm hug. It is impossible to maintain my posture as someone who is angry because she looks so good and happy.

“Good morning, perfect father-in-law.”

“Look who woke up in a very good mood today. Good morning, daughter-in-law.”

“She really woke up very excited.” I turn a little on the bench and open my arms to her. “Good morning my love.”

Her smile seems to get even bigger when she hears me, she bends down and we exchange a quick kiss, finished with lots of little kisses.

“Good morning, queen of my life.”

“And all that happiness?” I whisper very low, her from moving away from me when I wrap my legs around her waist. Lisa smiles awkwardly and looks behind her, where my parents are. Probably to check if they’re paying attention. “Is this all because of Christmas?”

I smile cynically, wrapping my arms around her neck.

“You know the reason.” She is talking quietly, looking very concerned about the possibility of my parents hearing her. It makes me laugh a little, even though I’m embarrassed to remember what we did at dawn. “Last night was wonderful.”

My eyes go down to her mouth and I feel like all the water in my body has been drained. I lean over to kiss her but something, or rather someone, stops me.

“Doing naughty things in front of our parents now Roseanne?”

My stupid twin sister says, automatically making me blush and remind myself that we were really exaggerating without remembering the two of them right there. Lisa lets out a nervous giggle and lets go of me.

“Then she wants to have a tantrum for knowing that I do things. Good morning family.”

Alice completes our sister’s comment, passing right by me to go to our parents. I roll my eyes and stand to greet my niblings.

“Hi aunt, good morning.”

Serena is the first to greet me, extremely excited.

“Good morning, little one. Where’s Harry?”

“He went up to Louis’ room, this boy is getting rude now.” Suzy says with an air of laughter when she also reaches the kitchen. “Good morning, sister-in-law. Good morning beautiful in-laws.”

Everyone greeted each other and helped set the table for our breakfast. Chaeyoung prepared an orange cake home and brought it. This worried me because when we were younger she barely knew how to fry an egg. Looking at them, excited and talking while they laugh, there is nothing I could choose but a moment like this. My family has always been everything to me, I am happy to be recovering contact with everyone, because I know that Roseanne from before had moved away from everyone.

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