2 - Revenge on the Bullies.

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She finally ended her tour around the place and finished our conversation with "Where's your uniform young Hopkins?"

And before I could answer she told me "Run along now child."

So I just walked off, nodding my head.
I make my way to the boys dormitory so I could change into my uniform and look around a bit without getting in trouble.

Once I get in front of the dorms, though, there's a group of males wearing white uniform shirts and some jeans.

Real scum.

"Guess what time it is! Yep, time for a beat down!" One of the boys shout to me.

They all surrounded me and some kid behind me yells "Get the new kid! Beat him down"

Ugh. Some of these guys thinkin they tough. Well they not. James Hopkins is the only tough guy round fellas.

I don't get the time to say a word before one of the boys run up on me and send me a left hook to my head.

I manage to dodge it before he impacted me.

He puts his fists up, knowing damn well I'm about to attack real good.

I throw up my right arm and hit him, switching arms. Hitting left and right real quick before managing to grab his collar, punching his stomach then kneeing his face. Throw him off of me causing him to fall down to the ground.

I run up to him before he can manage to get up and kick him good right in the groin.

But he keeps getting up, so I keep doing it. I do it till he's down and learnt a good lesson from Jimmy.

Once I'm done, gotta humiliate the bastard for messing with me.

I twist his wrists as hard as I can.

"It's the bullworth way." I smirk, continuing to twist his wrists real good and nice.

Once I'm done, his clique ran off.
"I ain't never gonna forget. I'll never forget!" One of the boys shout, running off, tripping on his way.

I walk up to his figure, lying on the ground. I laugh manically.

"Hahahahaha." I taunt, scaring off his clique farther.

"You're dead new kid! Dead!" I hear from behind me.

I turn my head to see an extremely large boy, same outfit. He was way bigger than them other guys though.

I don't wanna mess with em, he's too big and I don't have enough combat skills.

I didn't get enough time to get out of there before he runs up to me like a gorilla, punching my face real hard while yelling, beating his chest afterward.

You could tell he's real mad.

He goes in for another when a voice yells at him.

"That's enough! Break it up!" The male voice starts getting louder, running towards us.

"That's enough of that! Break it up!" He shouts again, this time in front of our face.

He points at me. "Why are you not in your uniform young man? Go change immediately!" He spits at me.

I didn't even get the chance to go in my dorm yet god damn.

I wonder to myself, I won't get a break here will I?

I go walk to the dorms.

"Oh come on!" I shout, nodding my head in dissaproval.

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