4 - Meeting Pete Kowalski.

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I'm sitting in my dorm room.

New uniform.

Real way to show off this dumb school am I right.

A boy with a pink undershirt on walks into the open doorway of my room.

"Hey. How you doing? You must be the new kid." He says.


At least this kid ain't as annoying as scar face.

"I'm Pete. Pete Kowalski." He walks over to shake my hand.

I decline his friendly greeting.

"Jimmy Hopkins. And don't ask how I'm doing. I've been here five minutes and already people want me dead." I say as I stand up and walk across my room.

"Even my parents didn't hate me this quickly." I scoff.

"Well.. welcome to Bullworth. It's a dump." He walks up to me.

"Great. I've been expelled from anywhere half-way decent." I inform Pete before the guy from earlier walks in.

"Yeah.. I've been expelled from anywhere half-way decent because I'm really bad.. give up the tough guy act pal." He mockingly spits.

"Hey man, what's your problem?" I walk up to him.

"Well! A.D.D primarily. But also life, my parents, this school, western civilization.." He begins to explain.

Oh great.

Now I'm friends with a psychopath with both mommy and daddy issues, and a disorder.

Way to make your way on the spectrum my friend.

"But.. really, honestly.. enough about me." He grabs Pete, who was walking away from him's shoulder to pull him over.

"Oh! I see you've met the dorms mascot! Ladies and gentlemen I give you.. femboy! The girliest boy in school!" He shoves Pete forward.

"Petey.. haven't you got some.. imaginary friends to go annoy?"

At this point the guy is just bullying the poor kid.

Kind of entertaining to be honest.

"Why don't you leave me alone Gary?" Pete steps up to the tall boy.


This dork is finally showing some teeth.

What are they, ex's or some shit?

Gary chuckles.
"Look at you! Leave me alone Gary!" Gary mocks Pete. "I'm really self-important now that I've finally hit puberty! What's your problem? I'm just being nice to the new kid as he passes through Bullworth.. on his inevitable journey to prison!" He walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder.

I throw his hand off me before saying "Look I gotta unpack.. would you guys mind gettin' outta here?" I try to kindly kick them out.

"Oh, now look what you've done Pete. Jimmy can't stand you already." Gary walks out.

Pete follows him, giving me an awkwardly lame wave before following Gary.

Damn some people have the nerve to just do whatever in this place huh.


I unpack all my things and place them all away.

The dorm rooms are plain. Boring.

No band posters or anything on the walls.

I miss my old room at home.

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