6 - A Talk with Crabblesnitch.

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I was called to the office to speak with Crabblesnitch.

So the old man takes me on a walk to talk with me.

"You seem to be making yourself quite comfortable here my boy." He expresses.

"I'm just trying to fit in." I shrug.

"By fighting? Making a nuisance of yourself? That is not the Bullworth way, boy." He stops walking and faces me.

"Yeah? You could've fooled me." I mumble and scratch my head.

"What?" Crabblesnitch asks me to repeat myself.

I get my hand off my head and say louder "I said, you could've fooled me! This place is full of bullies and maniacs!" I explain.

He nods his head in disagreement. "Nonsense! That's just.. school spirit! High jinks!" He continues walking.

"Why, in my day.. we felt nothing of castrating the new boys." He pauses. "I want you to stop this nonsense, Hopkins. I want you to behave yourself. You might learn something."

Old men always want more than they can have don't they.

I might learn something?

Is that not the purpose of even going to school in the first place? To learn stuff?

Bullworth.. more like bullshit. All I've learned at this dumb academy as of now is how stupid people can be in the real world.

Way to teach me some real stuff about the outside world.

"Fine. Can I go now? Sir." I say sternly.

"On your way!" He dismisses me and walks off.

I walk the opposite direction when suddenly some guy comes out from behind a pillar.

"Hey! I saw you sucking up to Crabblesnitch!" He says, holding a slingshot in his hand.

"What? Shut up!" I wave him off.

"Screw you new kid! This is what we do to teachers' pets around here." He pulls his slingshot back.

"You better not!-"

He fires the rock inside the slingshot right in the chest.


He starts laughing and running when I start chasing him.

"Come here you little-!" I yell, running right after him.

"Yeah, come and get me!" He teasingly shouts back.

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