7 - A Little Help.

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"Go on Petey! Tell the teacher! Tell them I was nasty to ya." Gary shoves Pete with a sarcastic grin on his face.

"Oh shut up Gary, you're such a jerk man." Pete walks back, inching farther from Gary.

"Ooh. Am I Petey? Oh you're so.. cutting." He places a hand over his chest and bends down to mimic hurt. "I'm really upset. Actually, I think I'm gonna go cry." The sarcasm in his voice so evident it's silly. "Then I'd be just like you. Cry, little girl." He taunts before I walk into the room.

"Oh, look out. Here comes Jimmy." He puts his hands up like he's surrendering and I tut.

"Just knock it off Gary, you're out of line." I reason, knowing that he had no reason to be talking to Pete like that.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was hangin' out in the girls dorm! Silly me."

It seemed almost like every single thing that came from Gary's mouth was sarcastic. Sometimes it was hard to tell when he was serious or not because nothing he ever said was.

"Shut up man. You're boring." I say, overly annoyed at this point.

"Boring? I'm.. boring?" He points to himself with his mouth wide open in shock. "You're none too interesting yourself, friend." He walks up to me, pointing his finger.

I scowl and he laughs, putting his hands up in defeat again before walking backwards away from me. He sighs before saying "Look.. I'm sorry, both of you. I apologize okay? I just get a little.. over-excited! Forgive me!". Again I'm unable to tell whether he's serious or sarcastic by the tone of his voice.

Not wanting to argue any longer I say "Forget it, it's cool.".

"Anyway," He begins, waving his hands for me and Pete to get closer to him. "I've got a good idea for some fun.. Let's go out and torture someone really helpless and unfortunate.. That homeless guy." He chuckles, "Come on." He begins walking and I follow.

Pete turns though before Gary and I turn to face him. "You comin' little Petey? Come on, I'm sorry! I'll give you a kiss if that's what you want!" He shouts out sarcastically.

"Shut up." Pete sighs.

"Then come on." Gary says with a stern voice as we continue walking, Pete following this time.

Soon finding ourselves in some caged and secluded area, walking around on the crunchy dry grass.

"Where is this dirty old perv?" He asks, throwing his hands up in annoyance.

"You know, you're not very nice, Gary." Pete argues.

"And you're a loser, Petey.. One of lifes unfortunates." He jabs his chest with his index finger when they get in eachothers faces.

"Get outta here you little scum!" A man who I'm assuming is the homeless guy Gary was talking about runs up from behind them, tripping over nothing on his way. He was evidently drunk.

Gary chuckles. "So I guess the rumors are true, Jimmy. Your dad does live on campus."

"You jerk!" I shout to him as the homeless man starts yelling something, throwing a brick at Gary and it hits his thigh, causing him to yell "Ow!" in pain. He deserved that shit.

"Let's leave this guy to his welfare payments! Come on, let's get outta here!" Gary shouts as the man runs towards us. Pete runs behind Gary but I stay put, watching them leave.

"Just get outta here kid." The man says.

"Why should I?" I ask and turn to face him.

"Because otherwise I'll kill you!" He yells back, walking up to me.

"What's your problem?" I ask almost rhetorically, though I wouldn't mind an answer.

He chuckles, "That's a long story.. You got any liquor?".

"No, I'm 15."

"What about drugs?" He asks as if I didn't just tell him I was 15.

I chuckle "No." and throw my arms out by my sides.

"Then why shouldn't I kill you?" He asks, getting in my face.

"All right tough guy, kill me!" I say, not moving but rather throwing my arms up more waiting for him to attack me, though I knew he wouldn't.

He chuckles and backs up, "You know what kid, I like your style. You've got guts. When I was on that ridge in Korea, watching my buddies get killed by friendly fire, I could've used somebody like you."

"Yeah? Thanks." I say, not knowing if that was a compliment but taking it anyway.

"But I bet you can't fight.. You do me a favor, and I'll show you some real moves.. classified moves. Real special army stuff!" He shouts out while doing some weird kick thing.

"Cool! What, like how to get shot by your own side?" I say sarcastically.

"Exactly." He responds and we turn and walk away from one another.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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