Chapter 4: Bittersweet New Beginning

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I awake to a blinding white. No not awake, half awake. It's like drifting in and out of consciousness like waves on a sandy shore.

My sight flickers, sometimes it's the white walls glaring down at me, other times it's the murkiness of dreams.

A figure hovers over me, breaking my trance. It's a girl, Catrine.

I blink drowsily up at her, "Hmm?"

Catrine sniggers but her eyes burn like hot coals, "Wake up your master is leaving within the hour."

At that the maid slips out of the room.

Memories pour into my head and my heart sinks. I won't be traveling back to England with them. Despite all the bad that happened I've been through a lot with Ciel and the other servants. I'd never forget them.

Hopping out of bed I quickly bathe and dress, not in my maid clothes but a simple navy dress. I take my maid dress and fold it to return it to Ciel. I have no idea how he'll take the news.

I let my hair hang loose around my shoulders, something I haven't done since being a dancer at Siren.

I swiftly leave the room, my maid outfit tucked under my arm and head over to Ciel's room.

I knock gently at the oaken door.

"Come in." Ciel says.

I open the door to see Sebastian placing Ciel's shoes on his feet. Sebastian pauses to look at me. His strange eyes are a dull glow compared to their usual luster. He nods before leaving without another word.

Ciel glares at me suspiciously, "Why aren't you dressed Ebony? And you're later then usual as well."

"I won't be journeying with you back to England. I-I'm quitting." I force out.

Ciel's dark eyes widen for a moment before he regains his composure, "And why is that?"

I smile sadly, "I've been informed it isn't part of my destiny."

"Destiny," Ciel spits like it's a foul word.

"Yes, just know that it will benefit you more than I as a pawn ever could." I state.

Ciel's eyes narrow, "Tell me."

I chuckle, "It isn't for me to tell."

Ciel looks like he's about to object but stops. His eyes shimmer, maybe sorrow? However it passes so fast that I can't make anything of it.

"Very well." Ciel stands and grabs a coin purse tied to the inside of his coat, "Then you'll need this." he tosses me the purse.

I catch it and peer inside it. A hefty amount of American money is crammed inside the coin purse.

I look up at Ciel not hiding my shock and then I break out into an uncontrollable grim, "Thank you very much."

He sneers, "Don't get so emotional about it. It really is nothing. I simply don't have a need for it once I return to England."

"Of course," I say but still I can suppress my smile.

No matter how much he denies it I can still see the meaning under his actions and words. If there is one person I was ever able to understand during my time working at the manor it would be Ciel. Despite me being a servant I could never help but think of him as a favorite little brother and even now I feel that same way.

Ciel rolls his eyes but I can see the small almost undetectable smile that displays on his lips.

At that Ciel saunters from the room. As soon as he crosses the threshold Sebastian is at his side as if he never left. Our eyes meet for a split second. We nod at each other. It is our way of bidding each other goodbye.

At that the butler and his master go down the stairs and out the door, Ciel's luggage most likely already waiting in the carriage outside.

I wait awhile until I'm sure they're gone before going down into the kitchen. Simon and Catrine are already there eating a light breakfast.

"You're still here?" Simon raises a brow.

For lack of words I nod.

"Have a seat then."

As asked I take a seat.

"Now," he speaks, supporting his head in his hands, "What's your plan?"

"Don't really have one." I say, realizing the truth.

I really don't have any attachments, I can travel anywhere if I want. Maybe I can even find another coven of the Sirens to stay?

"Work here then." Simon's straightforward words only mildly surprise me.

I contemplate the offer but it really only takes a second for me to decide.

"I guess that's the best offer I've heard."

Simon smiles a toothy grin, "Splendid!"

I return with a melancholy smile. New Beginnings are always bittersweet.

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