Chapter 31: Birdie

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Rays of golden light light up my eyes from under my closed eyelids. I let out a small groan of distaste, before sitting up and rubbing my eyes with the heel of my hands.

When I remove them I nearly gape at the sight in front of me. Streaks of pink and blue light up the morning sky. A sunrise God painted to light up the sky and shake anyone who sees it.

"It's beautiful."

I startle at the voice, turning to face the raven demon.

"Yes, it is."

We sit in silence for a little while, just watching as the bright sun floats up higher into the multicolored sky.

"W-we should probably go."

"Yes, I suppose we should."

Neither of us make a move, our eyes attached to the gorgeous scene in front of us. We don't say a thing until the blue begins to become more prominent and the pink fades away.

Quietly we both stand and pack up our things, our eyes still staring intently at the fading pink until all there is left of it is the bright blue of a cloudless morning. Only then do I speak.

"Good morning, Sebastian." All of a sudden I feel an unwanted shyness creep up on me.

"Good morning, Ebony." Sebastian answers with a broad smile.

I bite my lip, feeling exposed, fragile even. Last night, I really did put myself out there. We talked most of the night, that is until I fell asleep still facing the stars with Sebastian sitting at my side.

Another smile from Sebastian causes my face to heat up. I can't help but feel like that naive girl again, the one who was completely enraptured by the graceful butler. That thought makes me even redder, I drop my eyes to the dusty ground. That's when Sebastian makes his move.

In one swift movement Sebastian tilts my face up towards his and steals a chaste kiss.
The blush is startled right off my cheeks.

"Embarrassed?" His eyes dance with amusement.

I roll my eyes and push away from him, despite this a smirk dances across my lips.
No longer feeling shy, I wink at the dashing butler before mounting my ebony colored mare.

Sebastian chuckles and follows after me, gracefully climbing on to his own horse.

"Let's get this mystery solved." I say.


At that we grab on to the leather reigns and ride off to the sixth crime scene. This next farm is located not too far away from Simon's mansions. This doesn't surprise me, it's almost if where the murders occur start at the edge of town and then lead up to the next edge in an arc, the last house being Simon's. The revelation surprises me.

"Simon's an unmarried farmer." I state abruptly. "If the murders would of continued one more night then Simon would of been killed next."

"That is peculiar." Sebastian agrees, seeming to ponder over this realization.

I open my mouth to say something but then close it as we arrive at our destination. We have better things to do then wonder what could of happened.

We dismount Ginger and Knight and enter the house. Immediately I scrunch my nose. The rusty smell of blood is thick in the air.

"We're close." Sebastian says.

I nod, following Sebastian as his nose leads him to the scent.

I nearly retch.

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