Chapter 30: Stars

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I smile contently up at the shining orb in the velvety black sky. Things have been turning around lately for the better. My name will soon be cleared, yes. But that's not the only reason I smile so blissfully. It's because I've finally been able to begin accepting things like John told me to, and with accepting things I'm beginning to find out who I am.

Not only that but I have started to accept the things I have resented for a long time now. Sebastian being one of them. I'm not sure if I can begin being friends with him or anything yet but the lack of negative emotion inside of me has been making me feel more positive and upbeat. Almost like when I first started working at the Phantomhive estate.

It feels...nice.

The stars wink back at me as if they know just exactly what all is going to happen to me. This doesn't bother me like it would of before, no instead I smile wider. Because...maybe finding out for myself is better then ruthlessly tearing around for the quick answers to things.

I chuckle at myself, I'm beginning to sound as philosophical as John now!

A wife and husband stroll past me, taking advantage of the beautiful night and that their children are safely asleep. They wave happily at me and I smile warmly in return as they go on with their moonlight walk.

I wonder what it would be like to be that in love with someone. As soon as that bubble of thought arises I pop it with a needle. I won't be romanticizing over things like that. I'm not as completely naive as I once was when I used to believe in Prince Charming.

There is no Prince Charming, because no one is that perfect. And that is okay with me.

My neck feels sore from craning it upwards to view the shiny patchwork of stars and so I look into the flickering flames of the fire instead. A red flame licks up at the black sky before turning back to orange again. Embers, like stars in their own right, drift lazily through the night breeze almost like the seeds of a dandelion.

From far off I can here the rhythmic sound of horse clops, cowboys traveling through the night perhaps?

But then the sound stops, replaced by the sound of chatter. Men's voices drift through the camp.

I feel a quick breeze and turn to see Sebastian by my side. How he got through the barrier I'll never know, but the expression on his face is urgent. Suddenly John appears by my side as well.

"What's going on?" I ask, all feelings of peace swapped with adrenaline.

"Atepa is staging being the leader currently. I listened into the conversation and this is what I gathered." John says, a frown creasing his lips. "Somehow the sherif and his lackeys found out that we're sheltering you. They received a anonymous tip off."

I gape, who found out that I was here?

"I need to leave then." I say. "And I won't be returning either." I add after a moment. "I cannot put you or your tribe in any danger for harboring me."

John nods. "I thought you would say that."

He leans down and picks up a leather bag on the ground next to him, the twin of the one slung over Sebastian's back. I hadn't noticed either before now.

He hands it to me. "Here. Take this with you, it has supplies inside. And take your horses, too."

I take the leather pack and slip it on to my back. "Thank you, John. For everything."

My eyes feel hot as I'm suddenly overcome with emotion. I had only known the Indian for a short time and yet he had made such an impact in my life already. In a way he had been a father figure to me, as well as a friend.

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