Chapter 34: Information on my Own Story

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My heart stops.
However, my brain runs a mile a minute.
Then things come together and it all makes sense.

The reason why Simon didn't fire her is because they are in cahoots. Catrine stopped the boat from going back to England because Simon wanted Ciel to stay. Somehow they found out that I was investigating this and as a way to distract me they framed me for murdering those innocent farmers. And of course when I told Simon I knew Catrine did it and had proof it also alerted him as well, it's the reason why that very night they put the blame on me.

There is still much unanswered but I get the gist. I've been betrayed, again.

It's just like the Siren case when Narcissa had me start believing they were innocent only to completely brainwash me and skew my memories. I hate being betrayed, I hate being lied to all the time, and I hate people that like to tamper with people's lives as if they are nothing but toys.

Red, hot anger pours through me, the pressure of it is blinding. All I can see is crimson for a moment before my vision is restored in perfect perspective.

Catrine had moved back from me and now stands over me leering with a broad Cheshire grin. It only adds fuel to the flames.

Ever since I began working for Ciel Phantomhive, no wait before that. Ever since I stepped on the ship to England I've been cheated, lied to, and betrayed. I've dealt with the worst sorts of people and seen a lot of blood. Admittedly I'd been the one to spill some of it. But it has all piled up and come down to this. This fury, a perfect mix of anger and insanity, just like I'm a perfect mix of Human and Siren.

Catrine bends down, her face only inches from mine. So close that I can smell fish on her breath. I didn't know I could get any madder until she picks the four leaf clover from my pocket.

She inspects it almost daintily and then looks at me with a broad smile, pocketing the clover right in front of my eyes. "How sweet." She coos. "Se-"

She doesn't have time to finish her sentence.

Because at that moment I have a gun from my belt of weapons at her temple. With my other hand I take back the clover from her pocket. "This is mine, thank you." I say.

"You can't kill me, Ebony." Catrine says after a moment. Her face is completely blank of emotion, not even a whisper of a smile plays on her lips.

"Watch me." I growl.

She laughs a light throaty laugh and that's when I pull the trigger.


Blood flows from the hole in her wound but Catrine is still giggling. When I shoot again she laughs even harder. She disappears from my hold suddenly standing feet away, red still falling from her head.

"You literally can't kill me." She states. "You can shoot me all you'd like." She says, noticing my finger nearing the trigger again. "But it just won't work."

She vanishes only to reappear right by my ear. "I'll tell you another secret." She breathes. "You can't kill a goddess."

I nearly stumble back in shock but Catrine stops me. "I'm a Cat goddess, birdie. I hunt your kind for breakfast." She licks her lips, causing me to grimace.

"I best little birdie's like you all the time." She states proudly. "However, it seems this time that you've bested me. You may not have killed me, Ebony but if I would of been mortal or even demon I would of died from that wound. So, yes it appears you have got me."

She stands up and childishly puts her hands up in surrender. "And the laws say that if I've been dealt a wound that could kill a mortal then that means I've lost. I suppose it's only fair, but I just believe that fate is a total party pooper."

"I've won?" I say in both shock and relief, the anger long drained from me, causing me to feel slow and stupid.

"Yup!" She chirps. "It was a fun game, though. Oh, and by the way that also means that you can ask me anything and I'll have to answer. It's another stupid law." She says with distaste.

Frankly I'm floored. I have no idea how to react let alone ask. As if the clover really is lucky the question tumbles out of my lips without a second thought. "I want you to tell me everything." I say. "From the beginning."

"Good question." She comments with a sly simper. "Everything it is."

"With Ciel's father's help Simon was able to rise from a poor man to a rich one. Ever since then he'd wanted to repay him, the chance was lost once he died and Ciel was lost. It was only recently that Simon heard that Ciel had returned, he then enlisted my help to get Ciel to come and stay in California so he could repay his old friend by taking care of his son."

"Enlisted your help? But you are a goddess you don't need souls."

Catrine shakes her head. "I owed his family a favor from centuries ago." She explains. "Now, moving on. I helped Simon devise a plan to get Ciel to come to America, however we did not expect you and his handsome butler to tag along as well." She admits.

"Anyways, our plan ultimately failed because Ciel did not wish to stay like Simon thought he would. And he readily accepted you as a maid, he'd need one when I left after I finished assisting him with his plan. So, Simon had me tamper with the engine on the ship back to England. By now I knew this plan wasn't going to work but of course I had to obey orders." She rolls her eyes.

"When you began to investigate, Simon became very afraid you'd find out. He then had me kill those farmers as a cushion just in case you found out. By this time I was soooo bored so I helped lead you along by finding those tools in my closet, it was fun messing with you!" She grins.

"You told Simon I was the one who did it which alerted him that you knew. That night he had me officially frame you. However, you ran off before you could get arrested and lynched." She looks at me like I was a naughty child that escaped punishment.

"Simon was unconcerned though because he figured you'd never come back. Once again I wanted to stir things up, so I left clues at the scenes of the crime. When I saw you picked up on my little story I tipped off the sherif of your location. You still finished my puzzle though." She says. "And so, that is all."

"Simon is so obsessive all because he thinks he is indebted to the late Earl Phantomhive." I shake me head. "That's insane."

"I agree." Catrine says, but then again I don't really understand humans. They are so strange!" She giggles.

She suddenly rolls her eyes. "Seems like your demon's found Simon. I gotta go, it was a good fight though, birdie." With one final grin she disappears from thin air.

Wherever she is, I go to follow.

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