Chapter 12: Looking for Evidence

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"Oh Ebonyyyy!"

My eyes flap open to daylight and a maid pouncing on to my bed.

"Catrine?" I yawn, bouncing up in down from her hopping. "What the hell are you doing?"

"It's morning, birdie!" Sudden she becomes somber and mysterious. "There's grave news Simon has to tell you."

Catrine leaps off my bed and winks at me before disappearing out the door.

Grave news?

I get out of bed and dress before going down to the dining room where Simon and the other's await me. Catrine sits, poised on the arm of Simon's chair, grinning at me like a Cheshire.

What is her problem?! Her moods are more unpredictable than the Undertaker's random spouts of laughter.

"Catrine said something occurred?" I ask, looking at the faces in the room.

"There's been another death." Simon says.

"Wait, what do you mean by another?" I ask.

"Last night while you were away there was a death and early this morning before sunrise there was another. I just found out when one of my old friends sent a messenger to tell me." Simon explains.

"That's terrible." I say. "What happened?"

"Both were murders." Simon let's that sink in before continuing. "And both deaths were done in the same fashion. They were a total slaughter. The two that were killed were both farmers without a wife nor children."

"How was it a slaughter then?" I ask.

"Not only were the two men killed but all there animals as well. And the person who did this made sure that all the blood that could be spilled was spilled. Each victim including the animals are completely torn apart."

My hand cups my mouth, all the violence is starting again. It seems that wherever I go violence is brought with me. I look to Ciel and don't doubt he feels the same.

"That's terrible." I murmur.

Simon nods in agreement.

"That's why I wish to solve this case." Ciel declares. "I have nothing to do here, I might as well do something useful."

"No." Simon says. "You need a break from all of that. I owe it to your father to at least do that, so please allow the sheriff to figure out this case. If anyone can do it he can."

Ciel glares at the man. "I can do as I want. You are neither my father nor my guardian."

"Ciel." Simon says exasperated. "All I want is to protect you from horrors like these awhile longer. Can you please allow me to do that? I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt, especially during your vacation away from things like this."

Ciel considers this and then sighs. "Alright, fine."

My eyebrows shoot up on surprise. Ciel submitting to someone? How unlike him.
And yet I understand it. Simon is just trying to look out for Ciel. Besides Simon is an adult so Ciel really doesn't have much of a choice.

"Thank you Ciel." Simon smiles sincerely. "Now let us all eat breakfast, once were done Ill show Ciel around the farm. Maybe he can even try milking a cow." Simon winks.

We all chuckle at this, except for Ciel who becomes red in the cheeks.

"When I do go out and show you around I'll lend you some things I used to wear when I was younger. As for your butler I'll lend him something to wear as well. Your English clothes are far to stuffy for this hot weather and make you stick out in a crowd."

After we're done eating breakfast Simon dashes upstairs to rifle in his things to pick out clothes than Ciel and Sebastian.

He returns with an armful of clothes and a grin. "Come on upstairs you two and get changed!"

Sebastian and Ciel follow Simon up the stairs and out of sight. I can't help but smile at this.

"I bet that butler will look quite sexy in something other than his uniform, not that he isn't already though." Catrine simpers.

I stay quiet at this, unsure how to respond. However, I have to admit that I am curious to see Sebastian and Ciel for that matter in something more...American.

In about ten minutes the trio come back down the stairs: Simon at the lead, then Ciel, and lastly Sebastian.

Ciel wears brown slacks, a beige shirt, a cap, brown boots tucked under his pants, and a deep frown set upon his face.

Sebastian though is what catches my eye. He wears light jeans, a faded blue shirt with the sleeves bunched at his elbows, and a pair of boots tucked under his jeans. It's so strange to see him without wearing black and white colors that my mouth nearly hangs open.

"You look nice, Sebastian." Catrine smiles seductively.

Sebastian nods back at her and that's when I notice something. When I was still working for Ciel and we first arrived at the mansion Catrine and Sebastian were all over each other. Now, Catrine is still flirting but Sebastian hasn't been taking the bait.

I look carefully at the butler, what changed?

Simon interrupts my thoughts. "Come on and I'll give you a tour of the farm." He says to Sebastian and Ciel.

The three head outside with Catrine following close behind. However, I stay inside to do the dishes and think about my findings of the day before.

The engineers said that the only proof it was vandalism was the raven feathers, paw prints, and the way the engine was broken.

It almost seems like some sort of animal wandered in and did the deed but of course that can't he it. So then what?

Raven feathers and paw prints. A cat and a raven.

A raven, what's so familiar about the bird? I wonder.

Raven, bad omen...demon. Ah yes raven's are associated with dark beings so yes, demons. Sebastian perhaps?

Why Sebastian would want to break down the ship that was taking him away from me like he wanted I don't know, but it's something. As for the paw prints I don't have a clue. However, Sebastian has an obsession with cats, does that have to do with anything?

I push the thoughts away. There's only one way to find out if Sebastian was the one to break the engine and that is to investigate him. It's the only lead I have. And right now when he's away is the time to do it.

I climb up the stairs and walk hurriedly down the hall. I feel on edge, there's a chance I'll get caught. A chance I have to take. And so I do something I've never done, not even when I was still working at the Phantomhive estate. I enter Sebastian's room.

The room is similar to mine. The floors are all wood, the walls blank, and the comforter a colorful quilt. There's isn't a speck of dirt to be seen. The only sign that the room is being stayed in is a suitcase tucked neatly in the closet.

I look in every nook and cranny for some kind of evidence but there's nothing I can find. That leaves only one thing to search through, his bag.

Kneeling down I open up the bag and carefully look through it, not wanting to leave any hint that I'd been here. The search however is fruitless the only items in the bag are a couple extra pairs of clothes, undergarments, an extra pair of shoes, and strangely enough, silverware.

Nothing of this can be used to dismantle an engine. Not that I'd put it past him to do it by hand.

I shut and re-lock the suitcase. Before I leave I make sure everything is in good order before going, shutting the oaken door behind me.

I'm obviously not going to be able to gather any evidence from Sebastian. So, the only way I can advance in this case is to learn more about demons. Frankly, I don't know much besides that their appetite consists of human souls, that they have to abide by their contracts, and that they are both powerful and dangerous.

And the only way I can gain more knowledge about them is to ask a demon himself. The same demon who also happens to be my only suspect.

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