nleface-wrong person

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blueface x NLE choppa

Bryson try's to tell his best friend about his crush but ends up texting the wrong person

nlechoppa-YO TAURUS

nlechoppa-I don't know how much longer I can hide my feelings for Johnathan

nlechoppa-he's so fine that it hurts

nlechoppa-his smile🥰

nlechoppa-and his tattoos 😩

nlechoppa-I can't forget his voice


nlechoppa-but I don't think he's ever gonna like me back

nlechoppa-I mean he's always talking to that girl and hugging up on her

nlechoppa-I just wish I was her

nlechoppa-I've liked him for so long and it's hard acting like I have no feelings towards him

nlechoppa-the littlest things he does makes me smile

nlechoppa-whether he gives me gum or hugs me or just smiles

nlechoppa-I hate feeling like this

blueface-ummm, check who you're texting

nlechoppa-what do you mean?

nlechoppa-OH SHIT


nlechoppa-um, I can explain

Bryson was shocked, how did he mess up that bad? He basically admitted to his crush that he liked him. He didn't know how to save his ass from this situation.

blueface-so you like me?

nlechoppa-what? no! ofc not

blueface-don't lie to me, you know I don't like when you do that

Bryson immediately blushed at his crush's message. Johnathan really knew how to get to him.


nlechoppa-I can explain

blueface-then explain

nlechoppa-well, um

blueface-hurry up, I don't got all day

nlechoppa-you weren't supposed to find out, especially like this

nlechoppa-I was trying to tell Taurus but you know, I accidentally texted you

blueface-no duh

blueface-and you basically admitted to liking me just now

nlechoppa-NO I DIDN'T

blueface-yes you did

nlechoppa-I didn't !!

blueface-you did but whatever


nlechoppa-can we just please forget this ever happened

blueface-now why would we do that?

nlechoppa-because you obviously don't like me back

blueface-now who said that?

nlechoppa-you literally said you would never date me because I'm just a friend and in your words "a bro"

blueface-that was months ago

blueface-I really do like you


nlechoppa-don't fuck with me like that

blueface-I'm not

blueface-I love your sexy ass

blueface-it pisses me off that you let fucking Roddy RiCcH guy be all up on you

nlechoppa-then claim me


nlechoppa-I said claim me

nlechoppa-make me yours

nlechoppa-if you do that then no other guys can have me and it'll solve you problem with Roddy

blueface-well then, you're mine now

blueface-now get ready

blueface-I'm picking you up

nlechoppa-damn okay

(A/N) underrated ship?

word count-457

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