xanskies-baking a cake

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Third person pov

It was valentine's day and two boys were in their kitchen baking a cake. Those two boys were Kimitrius aka lil skies and Diego aka lil xan. The two boys have been dating for a few months and are deeply in love.

Diego is 25 years old, a pretty bad rapper in everyone's eyes, and kinda problematic at times.

Kimitrius is 23 years old, a pretty good rapper, and try's to stay out of drama and the spotlight.

The two boys decided on making a strawberry cake because it fits the vibes of Valentine's Day and just because strawberry cake is amazing.

"Okay so what do we do first?"Diego asked.

"Put the batter in a bowl you dumbass"Kim said as he started pulling the eggs out of the fridge.

"God damn okay"Diego said.

Diego grabbed the box of the cake batter and placed his hands at the top of it. He opened up the box and pulled the bag of batter out. He opened up the bag and poured the batter into a bowl.

"What now?"Diego asked.

"Let me read the directions real quick"Kim said.

Kim read the directions and then grabbed everything else they needed.

"Can I crack the eggs?"Diego asked.

"Of course baby"Kim said as he handed Diego 3 eggs.

Diego started cracking the eggs one by one and putting them in the batter. Diego looked up at Kim with the biggest smile on his face.

"You wanna do the rest of the ingredients? You look like you're having fun"Kim laughed.

"Can I?"Diego asked all excited.

"Of course"Kim smiled.

Diego grabbed 1 & 1/3 cups of water and poured it into the bowl. He then got 1/3 cups of vegetable oil before pouring it into the bowl as well.

"You can stir it, I'm not doing that"Diego laughed.

"Okay okay"Kim laughed as he grabbed a whisk.

Kim was stirring the batter as Diego preheated the over since they forgot to do that earlier. He then grabbed a cake pan and sat it on the counter.

Kim finished stirring the batter and poured it into the pan. He grabbed the pan and put it in the over once it finished preheating. He sat a timer on his phone before sitting on the counter.

"It should be done in about thirty minutes"Kim said to Diego who was laying on the kitchen floor.

"Okay"Diego mumbled.

"Is that floor comfortable?"Kim laughed.

Diego just gave Kim a thumbs up as he continued to lay on the floor. Kim laughed at him and hopped off of the counter. He laid down next to Diego on the floor as they just talked.

Time skip to the cake being done
third person pov still

Kim had just pulled the cake out of the over and they were letting it cool off. Diego had grabbed the strawberries out of the fridge and washed them. He cut the stems off of all of them before cutting them in half.

Kim grabbed the strawberry frosting out of the cabinet and sat it next to the bowl of strawberries. Diego opened up the frosting and grabbed a butter knife.

"I don't think the cake is cooled off yet"Kim said.

"I know"Diego said as he dipped the knife into the frosting.

"What are you doing then?"Kim asked, confused.

Diego then ran up to Kim and put the frosting on Kim's nose before running away.


He grabbed some whipped cream from the fridge and put some in his hand. He ran up to Diego and threw it at his face.

Both boys fell to the floor laughing.

"Okay okay truce"Diego said as he washed his face off.

The boys started frosting the cake as frank ocean played in the background. Once the cake was fully frosted Diego started putting strawberries on it.

They finally ended up finish decorating the cake and got a piece. They grabbed their plates with cake on them and sat down in the living room. They turned on the notebook and watched the movie as they ate their cake.

A/N-how would you guys feel if I posted a couple of Valentine's Day oneshots after V-day? because I have a couple ideas planned but I don't think I'll be able to finish them before then.

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