ybnmosey-chocolate covered strawberries

694 14 16

Third person pov

It was the day before Valentine's Day and Lathan was talking to his friend about what he wanted for Valentine's Day.

Lathan has hella feelings for his friend Nick and what he doesn't know is that he feels the same way.

Nick had their mutual friend Tyler talk to Lathan about what he wants for Valentine's Day. Nick was planning on asking Lathan out then.

The two boys were sitting inside their local chick-fil-a. They were eating their bomb ass chicken nuggets while having some random conversations.

"Okay but this food is good as hell"Lathan said before taking a drink or his lemonade.

"Too bad it's homophobic, especially since we're bi"Tyler said.

"Wait are we doing a hate crime on ourselves?!"Lathan suddenly asked which caused Tyler to bust out laughing.

"I don't think we're doing a hate crime on ourselves just fueling the homophobes"Tyler said.

"That's a hate crime!"Lathan shouted slightly.

"Okay okay fine but do you have a date for tomorrow?"Tyler asked.

"Wait what's tomorrow?"Lathan asked genuinely confused.

Tyler took a deep breath and gave him a weird look.

"It's Valentine's Day you fucking dumbass"Tyler said.

"Oh no i don't have a date"Lathan said.

Tyler's phone started going off signaling he was getting a call.

"I'll be right back"Tyler said before stepping outside.

"Hey"Tyler said to the guy on the phone.

"I saw you were with Lathan on insta and I have a favor to ask you"Nick's voice rang through the phone.

"What is it?"Tyler asked.

"I'm planning on asking him out tomorrow but I don't know what to get him as a gift, can you ask him what he would want to get on Valentine's Day?"Nick asked.

Tyler started doing a little happy dance because he knew Lathan liked Nick.

"Yes!!"He shouted into the phone.

"Great! Thank you"Nick said.

"Of course!"Tyler said.

"That's all I needed bye"Nick said.

"Bye"Tyler said before hanging up.

He put his phone back into his pocket and walked back into the building. He walked to his table and sat back down.

"Who was that?"Lathan asked.

"Oh it was just my brother asking where the pizza rolls were"Tyler lied.

"Oh okay"Lathan laughed before eating a chicken nugget.

"Hey if you were to have a date tomorrow what would be one thing you would want as a gift?"Tyler asked.

Lathans eyes looked up as he thought about it. All of the sudden his whole face changed and he quickly looked at Tyler.

"OOO chocolate covered strawberries!!"Lathan said excitedly.

"Chocolate covered strawberries?"Tyler questioned his friend.

"Yes!! They are so good and I haven't had them in so fucking long"He exclaimed.

"Okay okay"Tyler laughed.

The boys finished up eating before leaving and going to their own houses.

As soon as Tyler got home he called Nick to tell him what Lathan said. Tyler clicked on nicks contact and pressed call. Nick picked up after only a few rings.

"Did he say anything??"Nick said immediately after picking up the phone.

"He only said one thing and that was chocolate covered strawberries"Tyler said.

"Chocolate covered strawberries??"Nick asked.

"That's exactly how I reacted"Tyler said.

"Okay well thank you"Nick said.

"Of course"Tyler responded.

"Bye"Nick said.

"Bye"Tyler said before hanging up.

Lathan's pov

I was just laying on bedroom floor smoking a blunt when I got a text from Nick. Nick has been my crush for months now and it's been hard hiding it. Every time we're in the studio together I get really nervous.

I clicked on the text and responded.

Nick:hey are you busy tmr night?

Me:no, I'm probably just gonna lay on my floor and smoke weed like I am right now

Nick:well I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tmr night

I dropped my phone from my hands as I kept rereading the text. Did my crush just ask me on a date? FOR VALENTINES DAY?

I just stared at my wall in shock as I tried to process what the actual fuck was happening. I didn't even believe this was real. It felt like a dream.



Me:yes I'll go out with you tmr night

Nick:okay bet! Dress semi nice and I'll pick you up at 6

Me:okay! you need my address right?

Nick:yeah can I get it real quick?

Me:ofc it's 1073 S Washington



Nick:well I'll see you tmr

Me:see you tmr!!

I threw my phone down as I stared smiling at my ceiling. I can't believe I'm going on a date with my crush. What the fuck is life.

Next day-Lathan's pov still

I had just finished getting ready for tonight and I was sitting on my kitchen counter. I was wearing light washed jeans, a white hoodie, a gray and black plaid flannel over it and some Jordan ones.

I was just scrolling through Instagram when I got a text from Nick.

Nick:baby I'm here

I immediately hopped off the counter and ran to the door. I grabbed my wallet and walked out of my house. I locked my door and noticed Nick standing on my porch.

"Oh hi!"I said as I smiled.

"Here I got you something"He said as he handed me a box.

"You didn't have to"I said.

"Just open it"He said as he watched me.

I opened up the box and saw a half dozen chocolate covered strawberries. I started smiling and gave him a small hug.

"How did you know I like these?!"I asked as I pulled away from the hug.

"I have my ways baby"He said as he smiled at me.

We walked to his car as I had the biggest smile on my face.

This Valentine's Day was one for the books.

I got a man and chocolate covered strawberries.

A/N-another Valentine's Day oneshot done. What Valentine's Day oneshot would you possibly want to see? Smut?? Or what non Valentine's Day oneshot would you want to see?

word count-1043

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