zilla x scarlxrd-whos this?

913 11 16

third person pov

Junius was hanging out with his friends Jahseh and Stokeley at Jan's house. One of Jahseh's friends was on their way to his house. Junius didn't know because Jah has something planned.

Jah was tired of Junius's crazy ass complaining about being single so he called one of his friends to date him. Call Jah the perfect matchmaker or whatever.

Stokeley knew briefly of Jah's plan but didn't really care to learn much about it.

Jah's friend was on his way to Jah's house while Jah talked to Junius about whatever the fuck two crazy ass bottoms talk about.

Junius's pov

"Jah can we order some food or something?"I asked as I threw my body over the back of his couch.

"What do you want?"He asked as he looked at me weird.

I fell off the couch and immediately sat up.

"OOO can we get chick-fil-a??"I asked excitedly.

"What do you want from there then?"Jah asked.

"Can I get a 12 count nugget, Mac and cheese, and a lemonade?"I asked as I smiled.

"Yeah that's fine"He said.

"STOKELEY"Jah yelled at his boyfriend who was in the kitchen.


"Can you get Junius and I chick-fil-a?"Jah asked.

"Yeah just text me your orders"Stokeley said, grabbing his phone and keys.

He walked over to Jah and kissed his lips before walking out of the house.

"When is it my turn to date someoneeee"I sulked as I stretched my body across the couch.

"Oh stop complaining"Jah said as he hit me with a pillow.

"Stop hitting meee"I said as I rolled off of the couch.

"Then stop complaining"Seh said before throwing he pillow at me.

I sat up against the couch and laid my head on it.

"Why are you still on the floor?"Seh asked me as he looked down.

"Because I'm comfortable and couldn't be bothered to get up"I said.

There then was a knock on the door.

"That's our food!! I'll go get it"I said as I got up and ran to the door.

I opened up the door to see someone that wasn't Stokeley. They were tall, skinny, had face two face tats, many piercings, and was dressed in all black, not to mention he was extremely fine.

I was just starring him up and down when he snapped his fingers at me. I was knocked out of my trance and slightly smiled out of embarrassment.

"Um who are you?"I asked.

"Im Jah'a friend, he invited me over"The random man said.

"SEHHH"I yelled.

"WHAT!"He yelled back.

"Your friend is here"I yelled.

I heard his foot steps behind me and soon enough he was pulling the dude into a hug.

"What's up Mar"He said as he let the guy into the house.

Okay so his name is mar.

"Wait who's this short toddler with face tats?"Mar asked.

"First of all I'm not a toddler and second of all I'm Junius"I snapped.

"He's a angry little man, I like that"Mar said as he walked into the living room.

"Who the fuck is that?"I asked Jah.

"Your future boyfriend"He said before walking into the living room.

"Future boyfriend?"I asked myself.

He will not be my future boyfriend, he called me a toddler.

I walked into the living room and went to sit on the floor when Mar yelled at me.

"Angry toddler, sit next to me"He said as he patted the spot next to him.

"No thank you"I said as I went to walk past him.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me on his lap. I tried to get off but Jah shot me a look telling me to calm down.

I stopped moving and focused on the show in front of me.

All of the sudden Stokeley walked into the house with our food.

"I GOT THE FOOD"He yelled.

I jumped off of Mars lap and got the food out of the bag and brought it to the living room table. Stokeley brought the drinks and sat them down.

Mar was laughing at me ask excitedly looked at the food on the table.

I grabbed my food and started eating my nuggets. I then saw Mars hand reach over me and grab one of my nuggets before putting it in his mouth.

"Hey!"I shouted.

"Oh calm down you angry toddler"He said as he laughed.

I just rolled my eyes and finished eating. I put my trash in the trashcan before sitting back on the couch. I sat down next to Mar and laid my head on his shoulder.

He pulled out his phone and took a picture before I looked at him.

"What was that for?"I asked.

"Just wanted to capture the moment"He smiled.

I looked at him and smiled, glad I asked Seh "who's this?"

A/N-I uploadedddd💪 okay so I want to do a oneshot for Valentine's Day but idk how I should do it. I could either do one ship, multiple ships in the same oneshot with the same story line, or a whole bunch of mini stories with different ships. Just give me some ships and what format you want the valentines day oneshot to be in.

also, do you like this ship?

word count-913

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