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third person pov

Tione was in a very healthy relationship with his best friend, Taurus. That was until Tione's trust issues started getting bad.

His ex was super toxic and cheated on Tione multiple times, which caused him to develop trust issues. Taurus knew about his trust issues and promised to never do anything that would cause Tione to not trust him.

Taurus then started getting really close to his best friend Bryson, boyfriend. Yeah Tione let Taurus have friends but they were too touchy for Tione's liking.

Tione's pov

Taurus was always up on Johnathan and whispering into his ear. Johnathan would sit on his lap while they played the game but Taurus never let me sit on his when he played.

They've been super close and kind of ignored Bryson and I.

"Baby"I said.

"What?"He asked, not taking his eyes off of the game.

"I want to go home"I said.

"Why?"He asked, still not taking his eye off of the game.

"Hell yeah!!"He yelled when Johnathan won the game.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick"I said.

"Have Bryson take you home, I'm busy"He said.

"You can get your ass up and take me home"I said.

"I just said I'm fucking busy"He said.

"Fine, I'll walk"I said before grabbing my phone and waking out of Johnathans room.

I walked down stairs and out my shoes on before walking to the door.

"Where are you going?"Bryson asked.

I turned around and saw him sitting on the couch.

"Walking home, I don't feel good and Taurus won't take me home because he's 'busy' with Johnathan"I said with annoyance in my voice.

"That's fucked up, let me drive you home"He said.

"No, it's okay, I can walk"I said.

"No, get in my car"He said before getting up.

I walked outside as he followed behind me. He unlocked his car so I could get in. I got in and softly closed the door.

Bryson walked to his side and got in before slamming the door as loud as he could.

"Why did you slam it?!"I yelled.

"So they know you're leaving and they'll feel bad"He said as he pulled out of his driveway.

I was looking out if the window when my phone started to blow up.

baby🤍-where are you?

me-on my way home

baby🤍-whos taking you?


baby🤍-why tf are you with him

me-because you wouldn't since you were "busy" and you told me to

baby🤍-that doesn't mean you go with him

baby🤍-don't leave me on seen


I sighed as I threw my phone on the floorboard.

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