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Third Person POV

Stokeley was on his way home from the store when he felt a weird vibe, it almost felt like he was being followed.

He started to speed up his walking as he heard footsteps behind him.

He almost started sprinting as the footsteps got louder and quicker.

Suddenly Stokeley was grabbed by his wrist and got some type of bag thrown over his head. The bag was pulled tighter and he ended up passing out. The person threw his body in a car and drove off quickly.

The car drove through many neighborhoods before finally ending up in a really nice one. It pulled up to a house and into the garage.

The man then hopped out of the car and to the trunk. He opened it and picked up Stokeley before bringing him into the house.

He carried him to a random bedroom.

The man sat Stokeley in a chair before turning on the bed room light.

Stokeley woke and up didn't recoginze his surroundings.

He immediately started yelling but only got yelled at in return.

Stokeley's POV

I woke up in a room I wasn't familair with.

I saw some guy I didn't know and just started yelling.

I didn't know where I was and I was scared.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP"The random dude yelled.

"Where the fuck am I?"I asked.

"First, don't talk to me like that, second, you're at my house duh"He said, not turning to me.

"I don't even know you"I said.

"What's your name?"

"What do you look like?"

"How old are you?"

"Why am I here?"

"Do I know you?"

"Can I leave?" I started asking random questions.

"CAN YOU SHUT UP"He yelled at me.

I immediately got quiet and looked at my feet.

I heard him walk to me and froze. I felt his hand touch my chin and raise my head up. I looked him in the eyes and just stopped moving.

He was fine as hell.

I know I shouldn't find who just addubcted me attractive but I can't help it.

He has face tattoos, brown eyes, and black/blonde dreads.

"What you looking at pretty boy?"He suddenly asked which pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Uh nothing"I said.

He lifted my face up more as he leaned in slightly.

"Stop lying, now what were you looking at?"He asked again.

I stayed silent and looked at the wall.

He then took a deep breath and tightened his grip on my face. He moved my face a little and made me look at him.

"Answer me when I speak to you, what were you looking at!"He raised his voice.

"YOU!"I suddenly yelled.

I regretted yelling as soon as he gave me a certain look. He picked me up and threw me on the bed before grabbing a small bottle.

He wasted no time and pulled my pants and underwear off before pulling off my shirt leaving me nude. I quickly covered myself only for him to move my hands.

"Don't cover yourself"He said.

Third person POV

Jahseh stripped of his clothes before going in between Stokeley's legs.

He looked at Stokeley for consent, his nodded.

He applied some lube to his fingers before he inserted one into Stokeley's hole. He added another one before scissoring his fingers. That caused Stokeley to slightly moan as he moved his legs.

Jahseh added his fingers one by one until four of his fingers were in Stokeley's hole.

He then removed his fingers which pulled a whine from Stokeley.

"Stop whining slut"Jahseh said.

Stokeley just nodded in response.

Jahseh applied some lube to his dick before pushing into Stokeley's hole. He gave Stokeley some time to adjust before pushing all the way in.

"Let me know when you're ready for me to move"Jahseh said.

Stokeley waited a minute or two before speaking.

"You can move now"He said.

"Are you sure?"Jahseh asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure"Stokeley said.

Jahseh nodded before pulling out slightly. He then quickly pushed back in which pulled a moan from Stokeley's lips.

Jahseh started thrusting which caused Stokeley to moan.

Jahseh's thrust started to get harder and quicker.

Stokeley's legs started to slightly shake as his eyes rolled back.

His stomach tightned, signalling he was about to release.

Jahseh noticed and started hitting Stokeley's prosate which caused him to let out a loud moan.

His body started to shake more violently as he relased all over his stomach. Jahseh then released before pulling out.

He walked over to his dresser and grabbed a rag, along with a change of clothes for Stokeley.

Jahseh then cleaned Stokeley up before throwing on some underwear and shorts. He was about to leave when Stokeley spoke.

"Wait, what's your name?"Stokeley asked.

"The names Jahseh"He said as he exited the room.

Stokeley laid on the bed as he thought over what just happened.

"What the fuck"Left his lips.

(A/N) I don't write smut often so sorry if it's bad.

word count-849

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