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third person pov

Kentrell was at the studio while his boyfriend was at their shared home. Tyquian was in his room, horny as fuck. He decided to text his boyfriend, but didn't want to be straight up with him.


Kentrell-don't call me by my full name


Kentrell-what the fuck do you want

Tyquian-what's wrong with you?

Kentrell-what do you mean what's wrong with me? I told you not to do something and you still did it

Tyquian-I don't take orders from you

Kentrell-yes you do

Tyquian-no I don't

Kentrell-I don't know what has gotten into you but don't talk back to me

Tyquian-good thing I'm not talking, I'm texting

Kentrell-I fucking hate you

Tyquian-no you don't, you were just laying in bed with me

Kentrell-you're getting on my nerves

Tyquian-good, I'm glad

Kentrell-fucking brat

Tyquian-awe, thank you

Kentrell-you shouldn't be proud of that

Tyquian-hmm, and why is that?

Kentrell-it won't get you far in life, especially as long as I'm in it

Tyquian-and why is that, Kentrell?

Kentrell-because I won't put up with it, and stop calling me my full name

Tyquian-and I said I don't have to listen to you

Kentrell-I hope you know your ass is in trouble

Tyquian-you won't do anything, I'm not scared

Kentrell-just wait

Tyquian-don't disappoint me

Kentrell-shut the fuck up

Tyquian-no thank you

Kentrell-what has gotten into you?

Tyquian-literally nothing

Kentrell-I'm on my way home

Tyquian-no, you can stay your ass there

Kentrell-don't tell me what to do, I'm going home, now

Tyquian-whatever Kentrell

Kentrell-that's it, I'm telling the crew we can't make it to the dinner tonight

Tyquian-and why is that?

Kentrell-I don't think you want to be limping the whole time we're there, so I'd advise you to call your ass down


Kentrell hopped in his car and pulled out of the studio parking lot. He sped onto the highway and sped home. He quickly whipped his vehicle into his driveway. He stepped out of the car and made sure to slam the door so his boyfriend knew he was home.

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