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Cassandra stood in front of the punching bag, bouncing on the balls of her feet with her hands in fists by her temples.

Jab, jab, cross, kick.

The rain was still banging against the glass, though it had picked up since she'd gone inside. Natasha was still out there, the color of her hair slightly muted because of all the water that had been dumped over her.

Jab, jab, cross, kick.

There was music playing quietly in the room, Beethoven's "Symphony No. 5 in C Minor" to be exact. She could only hear certain parts, the rain and the rattling of the chain connecting the punching bag to the ceiling blocking out most of it.

Jab, jab, cross, kick.

Cassandra's knuckles ached, and they were a light shade of red but fortunately they hadn't started bleeding. She paused, pushing her hand against the bag to stop it from swinging. Rubbing her opposite hand over her knuckles, she inhaled deeply, breathing in the fresh smell of the rain that was floating in through the open window. Tony would've killed her if he knew she was letting rain get on his precious floor. But what Tony doesn't know doesn't hurt him.

She sighed, sitting down against the wall, hoping none of the deadly weapons kept there would fall on her head. No kind of death was better than the other, but she didn't think death by being speared through the head was a good way to go.

Come on, come on get up.

Cassandra stood up, and stepped over to the bag. She kicked it, yelling as her shin whacked the bag. Even though she had all kinds of super soldier serum coursing theough her veins, she couldn't make the bag split in half like Steve could. Well, she could do it, if she wanted to, but she preferred not too. She threw a crescent kick and a few punches at the bag, before deciding she was properly tired and stopped the swinging bag before leaving the training room.

She looked out the window as she walked through the hallway. She didn't see Natasha, but she noticed the floor underneath her had wet foot prints that lead to the direction of Natasha's room.

The door was closed as she walked by. Cassandra stopped, setting a hand gently on the door, and listening. She almost said something. She almost knocked on the door. She almost sat down next to the door and cried. But she never did. Something stopped her.

Cassandra removed her hand from the smooth material that the door was made of and turned away. She never moved, it felt like roots were tying her to the ground, and soon, flowers would grow over her feet, and she would be stuck there. Never moving, auroras and sad prose tangled in her hair, weeds at her feet, and tears in her eyes.  She was stuck in front of the door. The door that sat inbetween her and her broken relationship. A friendship that was strong, and beautiful was now ruined by her own anger. Her fault, her fault, her fault.

Cassandra sighed, rubbing a hot tear out of her eye. Natasha needed space, and time. And she would accept that, even if it meant loosing her oldest friend.

All things must come to an end Cassandra darling.

Her mother's voice echoed in her head, and a memory appeared along with it.

It was 1992 and her mother was still barely alive. It had taken years for her to find her mother, and fibally she was here. Cassandra stood outside a hospital room door, and took a deep breath. She quietly opened the door, and stepped inside the room.

"Mama?" Cassandra said, just barely above a whisper.

Cassandra couldn't keep the tears in. She rushed to her mother's side, grabbing onto her hand and falling to her knees beside the bed. She sobbed into the blankets, hearing her mother cry too.

"My darling Cassandra, you came back," her mother croaked, putting a hand on Cassandra's head.
"I'm so sorry," Cassandra cried.
"It's ok, it's ok."
"Please don't leave me," Cassandra said, looking her mother in the eyes. She knew her mother had little time left to live.
"I'm sorry, my darling. All things must come to end, I'm sorry," there it was. Those words.

Her mother died soon after, Cassandra had stayed with her the whole time, holding her hand until the nurses took her away.

All things must come to an end.

Cassandra sniffed, dragging herself to her room and away from the door, the woman behind it, the memory, and everything else.

All things must come to an end.


Cassandra stood in front of the mirror, her wet black hair sticking to the back of her neck. Her reflection was foggy, and everything around her felt wet. She pulled a comb through her hair after gently drying it with a towel.

Water dripped down her faded t-shirt as she left the bathroom, sitting down on her bed. A knock interrupted her thoughts, and she stood up to answer it.

Thor stood outside the door. He had a sad look in his eyes, and an even sadder expression on his face.

"Hey Thor, what do you need?" She asked, trying to keep the tears in her eyes.

He didn't speak, but instead wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight. She returned the hug, feeling a tear fall down her face, and hearing the man sniff.

"It's ok, it'll be ok," Cassandra whispered.

it's been a while hasn't it?
i hope yall like this, but just to let you know it's about to get worse.
anyways ilysm have a lovely week day month year life everything.
until i see you again-

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