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Cassandra sat at a conference table, holding her head up with her hand. The meeting, sorry, argument, had been going on for a good two and a half hours now, and she was sick of hearing Rhodey and Steve whining at each other.

You've got to be kidding me right now.

"Crime rates are up 50% and you want to just 'let them figure it out themselves'? How stupid are you?" Steve shouted.

Natasha leaned over and whispered in Cassandra's ear. A laugh forced its way out of her mouth, and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Rhodey looked at her.

"Something funny?" Rhodey asked.
"No definitely not."
"If you can't keep it together then you're free to leave," he sighed.
"What? I've been here longer than you, hell I've been alive longer than you and you wanna tell me to leave?"
"Alright, it's fine, I'm gone."

Cassandra laughed as she left the room, and she heard Natasha follow. Rhodey and Steve sighed so aggressively that you could feel a gust of air blow through the door.

"That's funny, right?" Natasha asked after she closed the door.
"Yes definitely," Cassandra replied, kissing Natasha on the lips.
"Have you eaten today?"
"Good job Cass."

She seriously had been trying more to eat and sleep and all the healthy things. Her and Natasha had decided to think about adopting a child, considering there were so many children left in orphanages and foster care after the Blip. Cassandra was trying to form healthier habits so when the kid came, so she could be her best.

James would be so happy to see you like this. So would Wanda.

She was doing better, except when things like this happened. Every so often, she'd remember, and it would ruin her whole day.

"Cass? You ok?"
"Yeah, I just need a few minutes."
"Ok. Come on, let's go to our room."

Natasha gently held Cassandra by the hand, and lead her through the hall to their room. Cassandra sat on the bed, while Natasha opened the window, letting in the cold winter air. The tree in front of their window had lost all its leaves, but in the spring it grew delicate, pink flowers.

"It's ok Cass."
"I know."


"This is Grace, she's fourteen years old. Tell Ms. Barnes and Ms. Romanoff about yourself."

The little girl with red hair and blue eyes was looking at the floor. She spoke quietly at first, wrapping her red sweatshirt sleeve around her finger.

"I'm Grace Woodward, I'm in eighth grade but I haven't been to school in a while because of, everything."
"Hi Grace, I'm Cassandra, this is my girlfriend Natasha. We're so happy to be fostering you," Cassandra replied gently.

She knew how it felt to be sat in front of someone and spoken about like an animal. She didn't want this girl to feel that too.

Grace didn't reply, why would she. The caretaker stayed to make sure that Grace's room was set up, and then had a few papers for Cassandra and Natasha to sign.

They didn't want Grace to move into the Compound and have to share a room with two random women she'd met an hour ago, so they bought an apartment in a good neighborhood, close to the city but not too close.

"We'll have dinner soon, but don't feel like you have to join us. Just make sure you're eating," Natasha said, smiling at the girl before walking away and gently closing the door.

Cassandra sighed in relief when Natasha turned to look at her after closing the door.

"She's sweet, she just needs time."
"Yeah, yeah of course."

Grace came into the living room to eat later that night, Cassandra was sitting at the table doing work. She took a slice of pizza from the box on the stove, and sat down right across from her. Cassandra glanced at her, but she didn't push a conversation.

"I like your place," Grace muttered.
"Oh, thank you. We just bought it."

Grace smiled, looking uncomfortable. You couldn't blame her, Cassandra felt extremely uncomfortable. They sat in silence for a moment.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you, I really appreciate it," Grace said after a moment.
"Of course, I hope you feel comfortable here and if there's anything we can do to help, just ask."
"Alright," she stood up, taking a napkin with her slice of pizza and turned towards the hall to her room. "Goodnight."

Cassandra heard the door close gently. The light from under the door clicked off after an hour, and  Cassandra decided she was done working for the night.

She opened the door to her and Natasha's room. Cassandra looked at her girlfriend, who was sleeping soundly. The sound of her soft breathing filled the room, and Cassandra could see the red of her hair in the dark. She took her hair out of the bun at the base of her neck, and pulled the covers back to lay in bed.

Natasha rolled over to face her, mumbling something and holding on to Cassandra's hand. Cassandra kissed Natasha's knuckles lightly, and fell asleep to the sound of her breathing and the sound of the city below.

ta da!! my girls are fostering a kid!! if you've forgotten, because i know the cast list is way far back, my faceclaim for grace woodward is sadie sink, who i love.

updates have been few and far between lately, and i havent been too active, but i promise im still here.

love you!!

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