• SIX •

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"Are you sure you're alright to go? You can skip on this one if you want."
"I haven't skipped a mission I was assigned to."
"Cass this isn't a mission, you're not assigned to it. If you're not ready to face him I understand, we all do."

Cassandra turned to face Natasha, giving her a look. Yes, Cassandra wasn't ready to face him and yes, Natasha was right. This wasn't a mission, not in the slightest. But, if she thought of it as a mission, as a job, it would hurt less. She could slip into that quiet place in her mind where she didn't care what happened to other people. The quiet place where she didn't care what happened to her.

"I just want to make sure that you know when it's alright to walk away," Natasha said, stepping forward and setting a hand on her shoulder.
"I do Nat, I do, but he killed my brother. He killed Yelena and Wanda. He took our family away from us, and millions of others', he is unworthy of my kindness and my mercy. I can't cry myself to sleep, wishing there was a way I could've changed it anymore. He will pay for what he did, whether I'm the one to kill him or not."

Natasha looked at her sadly. Natasha knew her pain, but she didn't know how it felt to never be able to escape it. Cassandra was close to immortal, she'd live longer than anyone on the team aside from Steve. She could never escape her pain because so much of it had been stretched over such a long time. Natasha would die one day, knowing she did all she could to fix herself, clean her ledger. Cassandra could never feel that kind of relief.

"I know how you feel Cassandra. But if this is hurting you, if it's keeping you from living the life you deserve, you have to let it go. Take a break, but don't let it eat you up inside."
"I won't," she said, sad smile on her face.

Natasha stuck out her pinky, and Cassandra wrapped her finger around Natasha's. Natasha smiled, and squeezed the other woman's little finger.

"Now let's kick some purple ass."


"Who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asked as Cassandra was tightening her seatbelt.

Cassandra raised her hand, along with Natasha, Steve, and Rhodey. Rocket chuckled, then pointed at the four of them, saying with a serious tone,

"You better not throw up on my ship."

As much as she hated to admit it, she was excited to go to space. Nebula had told them Thanos planned a place to retire once his plan for extinction was completed. Somewhere called "The Garden." It sounded quite peaceful, too peaceful for a mass murderer, she thought.

The same amount of energy that exploded from Earth was caught on the planet Nebula had described days after Thanos had snapped. No one could guess why Thanos had used the Stones again, but they all figured that they could use the Stones to get everyone back. Easy.

Carol planned to go alone, but Rhodey objected, and then Steve, and soon the whole team had volunteered to go to Thanos, one way or another.

If she was being honest, she didn't want to go. She was scared, and she wanted to curl up under the covers and cry and cry and cry. But she knew James and Wanda would want her to be strong, and for them she would do anything. She'd do anything for them to come back and have the happy lives they deserved.

Also, Steve and Rhodey volunteered everyone, so she had no choice.

"Approaching jump in three... two... one!" Nebula shouted.

Cassandra reached for Natasha's hand as she was pushed further into her seat and the ship went shooting forward. She squeezed Natasha's hand as hard as she could, feeling her stomach drop to the floor.

Beautiful lines of blue, purple, and orange shot past them and before she knew it they were facing a planet that looked like a much grenner version of Earth.

"Here we are," Nebula said, almost silently.
"I'll head down for recon," Carol said, floating outside the ship.

Steve stood at the edge of the large window, holding a compass in his hand. Inside was a picture of Peggy, and a small piece of paper. Cassandra put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a sympathetic smile.

"This is gonna work," she said, more to herself than to Steve.
"I know it will," Steve replied. "Cause I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't."

Carol soon appeared in front of the ship again, a grim and confused look on her face.

"No satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defenses of any kind. It's just him."
"And that's enough," Nebula said.

Cassandra and Nebula knew all too well that it was dangerous to assume that one person would make an easy fight. They didn't know what was going to happen, and they wouldn't for a long time.


The ground was soft under her feet, and a sweet smell filled her lungs. Flowers bloomed along the path they were walking on, and there was a small farm just to their left. This place was just as peaceful as it sounded. Yet there was a sinking feeling in her stomach. Something wasn't right.

Carol flew down through the roof of a hut Thanos lived in. Rhodey, Bruce, and Thor followed. Then, Steve, Rocket, Natasha, and Cassandra walked up the steps into the hut. Cassandra willed herself not to jump at Thanos, and stood still and silently in front of him.

Rocket went to the gauntlet, and flipped it over.

"Oh no."
"What?" Steve said, going over to him.
"They're gone."

im back!!
how are we? how do we feel? good? upset? awesome, wonderful.
ok so we have some more serious stuff to talk about, nothing bad, i just have to say something.

please don't continue to ask me when the next chapter comes out or the next book happens or whatever if i've already answered you once. it feels a bit disrespectful to keep asking in the comments or on my mb when i've already answered you. i've been sick lately so writing for this fic hasn't been my main priority, and that's ok. please just understand that it takes me time to do all this, and i have other things that come first.

anyways, love yall sm, have an amazing rest of your day, until we meet again,

soph <33

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