• FOUR •

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Weeks went by. Two and a half, to be exact. Natasha didn't talk to her, and she thought about apologizing but never thought it was the right time. Natasha needed space and she needed to respect that.

Each day, Cassandra woke expecting a box of her stuff and a lovely breakup letter to be sitting at her door. And each day, there was nothing there. Natasha had no problems with ending a relationship, from what she knew, so why hadn't she done it yet?

Cassandra sat in her small closet of an office, perks of being Tony Stark's only remaining relative, staring out the window. Plumes of smoke swept through the air in the city across the river. Helicopters circled the buildings like vultures and there were so many sirens blaring in the otherwise peaceful morning that Cassandra was tempted to slam her head against the wall.

She sighed, rubbing a hand over her forehead and closed her eyes. The guilt hadn't faded, and she didn't think it ever would. Instead of crying all the time, her body had moved on to having horrible migraines every five mintues. Cassandra had asked Bruce about it, he said she'd be fine. Probably.

She heard someone sit in the chair across from her, and looked up. Natasha sat across from her with a very neutral expression on her face. Cassandra pointed to the light switch saying,

"Will you turn that off please it's killing me," Cassandra groaned, a hand over her eyes.

The room darkened slightly, and Natasha closed the blinds of the window before sitting down. Cassandra, still with a hand over her eyes, asked quietly,

"What do you need?"
"We need to talk."

Cassandra was quiet, but her heart was pounding in her ears and her hands were shaking. Natasha's expression softened, only for a moment, before becoming neutral again. She saw how much pain Cassandra was in, and she knew that Cassandra had no one to blame but herself. It was cruel, but it was true.

"I understand that you're in pain Cassandra, but I need to say something."
"Go ahead," Cassandra said, practically at a whisper. She felt her eyes well up with tears. Whether they were from her migraine, or what she thought was coming next, she couldn't tell.

"I-" Natasha paused, suddenly there was a sick feeling in her stomach. "I miss you Cass. I tried to be horrible, and I tried to be angry, and I was. But I still love you. I always have," her voice was shaking, and her greenish blue eyes glimmered with tears waiting to fall.

Cassandra looked at Natasha through her fingers, and she felt an warm tear drop down her face.  She reached one hand out to Natasha, feeing her heart in her throat and an ache in her stomach.

"Моя наташа, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did. Both of us tried as hard as we could to get away from those people, and I know how much Yelena means to you, I'm sorry," Cassandra said, feeling Natasha squeeze her hand gently. "Maybe we could start over."
"Maybe," Natasha said, letting go of Cassandra's hand and holding out the other. "Natasha Romanoff, pleasure to meet you," she said with a small smile on her lips and tears on her face.

"Cassandra Barnes, nice to meet you Natasha."


Cassandra lay in her bed that night, watching the ceiling. Deep in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed how the picture frames on her wall had begun shaking. A shadow passed over her window, and she sat up. Then she felt the shaking.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y what's happening?" She asked, hoping that the AI still existed in the building.
"Something is entering the grounds," even the AI sounded afraid.

Cassandra practically lept out of bed, and slipping her arms and head through a sweater on her desk chair. Her feet were halfway into her shoes when she ran down the hallway until she felt the wet grass on her ankles. Pepper Potts, Tony's fiancée and business partner, ran up behind her. Natasha was next to her, reaching for her hand as they watched a spaceship land. Underneath the ship was the golden glow of Carol Danvers, who had been carrying the ship since who knows when.

The door of the ship lowered, Steve being the first to run up to it. Rhodey followed, and Cassandra saw Rocket behind him. A woman with blue skin and gold metal along her arms and on her head stepped out first, leading someone out with her.

Cassandra gasped, and she felt her feet start running and saw the ship getting closer. She realized that she'd lost Natasha's hand, and she looked back seeing Natasha staring back in shock.

Steve stood with Tony, who was skinnier than he should've been, and was pale with his cheeks caving in.

"Tony," she whispered when she hugged him gently. 
"Aunt Cass," he whispered back.

Steve let go of his arm, letting Cassandra lead Tony to Pepper. She turned away, letting Tony and Pepper have their moment. She saw Carol standing behind the ship, and she smiled, silently thanking the woman for bringing her nephew home.

omg hi yall!!
it's been a while, but here's another chapter!!
i can't promise you that i'll be mire active cause of school and life and everything, but i appreciate all of you, and i love you all so so much <33

until next time- sophie <3

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