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Cassandra was sick. Her head was spinning, her throat was closing up. Tears welled in her eyes, but she stood, perfectly still and silently. She would not show him an ounce of emotion. Thanos did not deserve it.

"Where are they?" Steve asked, his voice low and angry.
"Answer the question," Carol said, loosening her chokehold around the titan's neck.
"The universe required correction. After that, the Stones served no purpose, beyond temptation," he said.

Cassandra made a quiet strangled sound, tightly covering her mouth with her hand. So much for not showing Thanos any emotion. Natasha looked like she was about to murder Thanos with her bare hands and throw up at the same time. And yet both of them stood still. They knew it wasn't worth it.

Cassandra nearly fell against Natasha, leaning on her to stay upright.

"You murdered trillions!" Bruce shouted, shoving Thanos to the ground.
"You should be grateful," Thanos said, no regret or sympathy in his voice.

Suddenly, Cassandra stood up straight. She walked towards Thanos, an evil look on her eyes. Everyone in the room, who looked equally disturbed as Cassandra had, took one step back.

"Grateful?" Cassandra said, her voice low. "I lost my family and I should be grateful?"

Cassandra imagined how she must look to her team. The crazy ex-assassin that snapped and punched the lights out of a purple monster's eyes. She could feel their eyes watching her, the shocked looks on their faces. But she didn't care. Thanos had taken her everything, and she was going to destroy him.

"Nothing to say now? No more words of wisdom?" Cassandra mocked, stepping closer to Thanos.
"Cass," Steve said warily.

Cassandra ignored him. Instead, she kicked Thanos in the face. Then she punched him. Then she kicked. Kicked again. Thanos' head hitting the floor on the third kick. Cassandra sat on top of him, punching him as hard as she could, over and over, ignoring his shouts of pain.

She didn't stop, even when her knuckles were bloody, even when she could feel the bones in his face being broken into little pieces. She didn't stop, even when she felt Steve's arms wrap around her body and drag her away. She kept punching, tears drifting down her face.

"Where are the Stones?" Natasha asked, sounding as if she was about to cry.
"Gone," Thanos groaned. "Reduced to atoms," he said, blood streaming from his nose.

Cassandra shook her head, clamping a hand over her mouth and pushing away from Steve. The metallic smell of Thanos' purple blood on her knuckles added to the sick feeling in her stomach as she stumbled down the wooden steps.

Tripping through the tall crops, she kept going until her legs gave out and she fell to her hands and knees, vomiting in the dirt in front of her.

The world was quiet as Cassandra slowly sat up, inching away from the mess. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she pulled her knees to her closer to her, shaking as she sobbed into her arms. She heard the shouts of her team looking for her but she couldn't get up.

"Cassandra where are you!"

She forced her voice to make a sound, a sad squeak escaping from her throat. No one could hear her, and she knew that.

Someone is gonna find me eventually.

She heard footsteps near her, and she struggled to stand up. She fell back against the plants, and whoever was looking for her heard the noise because the footsteps got louder and faster towards her.

"Cass? Cass!" Natasha ran up to her.
"Nat, I'm, I'm sorry I didn't mean to get out of control, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry," Cassandra said, trying to get up on her feet.

She stumbled into Natasha's arms. Her legs didn't work. Nothing was working. Why. Why. Why. Why. What was wrong with her?

"No, no, Cass, sit down, you can't walk," Natasha gently pressed on her shoulders, setting her on the ground.

Natasha put her hands on either side of Cassandra's face, her thumb wiping a tear off her cheek.


Cassandra sat on her bed, a blanket around her shoulders. She was staring at the floor, watching the little shapes form in the lines of the wood.

There was a quiet knock on her door, she didn't care. She wasn't even sure if she was breathing or not. Surely she must've been, but she didn't feel like she was.

She saw the shape of Natasha sit down next to her. Cassandra didn't acknowledge her, if she could do that. She was unsure of her place in the world, was she here or was she floating through space in a shell of a body that didn't belong to her? Her voice didn't feel like her own, and her mind was scattered.

Natasha sat next to her, carefully taking Cassandra's hand into her own.

"Do you remember," Natasha said softly. "When we had just met, you were helping me get used to being here. You were showing me around, and, you took me somewhere that I wasn't supposed to be. It was Level 7 lab, or something, I think," she sighed. "Someone on patrol caught us, and I was sure we were going to get in trouble. But you took my hand, and we ran. We just ran," she smiled.

Cassandra didn't move her eyes from the floor, she didn't speak, but something about Natasha's voice brought part of her back to life. She could feel her heart beating, feel the air going in and out of her lungs.

She leaned her head against Natasha's chest, closing her eyes. Natasha kissed the top of her head, whispering into her hair,

"I love you, you know."

I know.

hello my loves!!
sometimes i forget how much i love nat and cass together, so i gave you extra nat and cass fluff (is it fluff idk??)

oh! there's a stranger things reference (it's a quote) somehwere in this chapter, lemme know if you think you figured it out...

anyways, ily have a nice rest of your day <33 - soph

anyways, ily have a nice rest of your day <33 - soph

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