• FIVE •

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Cassandra sat next to Tony, the cold morning sun lighting up her face.

"Is that alright?" Cassandra whispered, adjusting the tape that was holding the IV in place.
"Yes Cass, yes will you please stop touching me," Tony said, batting her hand away.

Cassandra let go of his wrist, setting her hands in her lap and looking down at her feet. There was a causality report flashing with a pictures of people that had been victims of Thanos' snap, and she knew she shouldn't look. But she did.

Sharon. Maria Hill. Fury. Wanda. Her eyes were burning. There was a young boy, his name was Peter Parker according to the report. Why was there a teenager included in the list?

"It's been twenty-three days since Thanos came to Earth," Rhodey said. Tony wasn't listening, they both knew that.
"World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. And it looks like he did," Natasha paused. "He did exactly what he said he was going to do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures."

James' face showed on the hologram as part of the causality report. She saw it linger for a moment, before continuing the report.

Cassandra felt her throat close up, the room felt like it was closing in. There were too many people in the room. Too many people. She saw people talking, their voices were blurred. She tried to speak, but no words came out of her mouth.

Cass are you ok?

She saw Steve's mouth moving, but his voice was quiet. She shook her head, and Natasha kneeled down next to her.

Cassandra? What's wrong?

She shook her head again. Natasha looked at her, she knew that no words could come out of Cassandra's mouth.

Are you ok? What's wrong?

Natasha tapped out the words with her finger. It took Cassandra a moment, but soon she tapped her finger on the arm of the chair,

There's too many people. I can't breathe. Help me Nat.

Natasha nodded to a concerned Steve, who turned his attention back to the group. Natasha then took her hand and pulled Cassandra gently out of the chair. She wrapped an arm around her waist, walking with Cassandra out of the room.

"Here we go, sit down," Natasha said, sitting Cassandra down against the wall. "Can you hear me?" She asked, tapping the floor in morse code just in case.

Cassandra nodded, then dropped her head into her hands. Natasha lifted Cassandra's head, touching her forehead to her's and rubbing her back.

"It'll be ok Cass. мы вернем их, я обещаю. I promise," Natasha whispered.
"It's all my fault, it's all my fault," Cassandra cried.

Natasha rested her chin on Cassandra's shoulder. Cassandra felt that spark in her heart again. The spark she felt when Natasha kissed her that early morning. The spark she felt waking up to Natasha by her side. She felt like a part of her had come back.

Maybe she wasn't just missing James. Maybe she'd missed Natasha too. Maybe she missed her smile, her laugh- on the rare occasions that she heard it- she missed the bright green of Natasha's eyes in the morning, and the blue that the evening light gave them. She missed Natasha's forehead touches, how she held her hand when she was upset. She missed the feeling of home that she felt with Natasha.

Cassandra lifted her head, holding Natasha's face in her hands. Tears were still drifting down her face, but she didn't care. All she saw was Natasha, and that was perfectly fine. The world revolved around her. Natasha was her sun.

Before Cassandra could say anything, she was interrupted by Steve and Rhodey pushing an unconscious Tony in his wheelchair, while a worried looking Bruce and a terrified looking Pepper rushed behind. Natasha stood up, reaching out a hand to help Cassandra.

Whatever emotion had flooded her body before was washed away as she ran after them, her hand still holding on to Natasha's. They ran down the hallway to the Infirmary, where a door was shut in their face.

"What happened?" Cassandra asked Pepper, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"I don't, I don't know he just collapsed mid sentence. He gave Steve the Arc Reactor and then just fell," Pepper said, drawing a hand through her hair.
"What!" Natasha exclaimed. "Tony gave Steve his what?"
"He just took it right off his body, and handed it to him," Pepper said, sounding like she was going to sob.

Natasha stared at Pepper, her mouth quivering as if she wanted to scream. Cassandra moved her arm from Pepper's shoulders to grab Natasha's biceps and steer her away from Pepper. Natasha wasn't known to lash out at people, but she was very particular about the wellbing of her teammates. Obviously it wasn't Pepper's fault that Tony had taken the thing that was basically keeping him alive, or had been, and given it to Steve presumably out of anger. It wasn't her fault that Tony had collapsed. But anger does interesting things to normally calm people.

"Наташа, Наташа остановись. Останавливаться," Cassandra whispered. "Оставь ее одну."

Natasha looked her in the eyes for what felt like a million years, then dropped her head onto Cassandra's shoulder.

Soon enough, Rhodey and Steve left the Infirmary room, going to stand outside with the three of them. Half an hour passed before Bruce stuck his head in the doorway, asking very quietly if Pepper wanted to come in. Pepper nodded, and went in the room.

"Come on everybody," Bruce said, motioning for them all to walk away.

They were back in the briefing room when Cassandra asked,

"What did you do?"
"I gave him a mild sedative. He should be asleep for a few hours. He'll be ok," Bruce said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Natasha leaned her head on Cassandra's shoulder. She'd been so quiet that when she spoke everyone in the room jumped.

"We have to go after Thanos."
"No shit," Rocket scoffed.

hey hey gays!! (and everyone else obv)

how are we?
i hate copying scripts so i try to do that as little as i can, so these chapters are gonna be a little scuffed. but hey it's called fanfiction for a reason right?
ily <3

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