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Zayn had popped up and scurried over to the door. He looked in the mirror, fixing his hair quickly and took a deep breath. The door clicked open and there stood a freaking angel.

"Zayn!" She ran up and hugged him tightly. His fingers ran through her hair and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. AW.

"Hey guys! Eeee! Lyyyynnnn!" She ran up and hugged me too. I giggled a bit before pulling away. "So, are you going to be as clumsy as me at ice skating?" I bit my lip and she burst out laughing, "honey, you haven't seen anything!" I let out a dramatic breath and chuckled.

"Alright, we'll leave you two alone." I winked and motioned my head towards the door at the guys so they know to leave.

"Be ready in 30!" I yelled and they yelled back a "yup!"

"Alright, Im getting ready." I sighed, and Louis gave me a thumbs up.

I ran upstairs and showered. Following that, I got changed into a PINK sweatshirt, with some dark skinny jeans. I slipped on my tan bearpaws and threw on a beanie. Make up.. Hmm...

I dabbed my face in foundation and just decided to slip on some mascara. Turning off my lights, I clicked the door shut and ran down the steps.

I rummaged through the downstairs closet for some gloves. Yeah, it'll definitely be cold in there. A-ha! Found some!

"Everyone ready?!" I slipped on my black North Face and they all shouted to get in the car. Feistyyyyyyy!

Okay seriously, who knew that there could be so much paparazzi just walking into an ice-skating rink?!



"ZAYN ZAYN ZAYN." I just had to keep my head down and remember not to snap at the paparazzi they were so freaking annoying...

I had finally laced up my skates. Dear LAWD help me, Dakota and I had to literally lean onto Louis, Zayn, and each other for support.

"HEY LOOK I CAN STAND!" Dakota had said.

"Just to forewarn everyone- I AM a wall hugger. No hate!" They all giggled and I sighed. I wasn't kidding.

So as I said before- I hugged the wall for a good 5 minutes. But Louis never left my side. The boys were all pro! And Dakota was hilarious to watch. She was a lot more ambitious than me, and she didn't exactly appreciate the wall as much. I was mentally keeping track- she's fallen 4 times, taking Zayn down with her 3 times. But he never get angry. They basically lied in the middle of the ice skating rink with people swarming around them in blades!

"Come on love, ya gotta let go of the wall sometime!" Louis chuckled and I exhaled.

"Fiiiinnneeee.." I grumbled and he took my waist from behind. "Just glide your feet, don't drag them. Use the heel of your skate to stop yourself, and make sure your toes are never too pointed on the inside or outside." He gave me tips and I nodded my head. So far so good!

"Hey I'm getting pretty goo- WOAH." I had accidentally dug the tip of my skate into the ice and tripped over my own feet. Louis had been toppled over me and we both giggled like maniacs. So this is what it feels like to be the freaks laying in the middle of the ice rink!

We had finally gotten back up and we skated around for a good 20 more minutes! We talked about the most random things, and the people around us. Apparently some lady was doing a bunch of interpretive dances with her hands there too. It was a bit scary.

"Blister-ah -painful." I muttered and we decided to take a break, getting some hot chocolate.

"MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?" Zayn's voice boomed inside the rink from the speakers. Our heads snapped up as we were leaving the inside.

"Dakota, this beautiful girl right over here," Dakota blushed confusingly and waved a little. "Is probably one of the best things that has happened to me for a while. So Dakota... will you be mine?" He asked. Everyone 'awwwed' and I admit it- so did I! Dakota wobbled over to Zayn and he grabbed her waist, picking her up and kissing her. She pulled back and was loud enough for the microphone to pick it up. "OF COURSE." And Zayn had the biggest smile. He had picked her up me skated her out of the rink. Of course I totally freaked out and continued to repeat "I'm just so happy for you two!" She thanked me over and over again.

Hot chocolate double date! We all enjoyed it too. We tagged along with the rest of the boys to go skate again and took a lot of goofy pictures. We were worn out after a bit, and decided to call it quits.

"Let's blow this popsicle stand!" Harry chirped. "Heh, heh, get it... popsicle... ice skating rink!" He tried to hold back cheesy laughs.

"Yes, Har, we get it." I patted his head and he winced. "NOT THE CURLS!"

So all in all- it was a seriously amazing day. And I only came home with 6 bruises! This should be a Lynn-record.

"Mind if Dakota stays over, guys?" Zayn asked politely while we were all chilling out on the couch watching some interviewer guy. Carr Allen? ... Allen Carr!! That was it- this guy is seriously HILARIOUS. It felt like my lungs were going to snap apart.

"Not at all!" We all replied, and Zayn randomly kisses her. They were seriously too cute.

My eyelids began to droop and Louis had nestled me in his lap. I had my arms wrapped around his neck, and my head was in his chest. His breathing and heartbeat became even and slow, so he was probably asleep. I kissed his lips and closed my eyes, dreaming.

---1 WEEK LATER---

Not a lot has happened this past week. Me and Louis had a few dates, Zayn and Dakota went on a few dates (they couldn't get any cuter) , all 7 of us had hung out together a few times, and I hung out in my little room a lot. Mainly working on some art, or doing school work. I would occasionally go out for some photography, and a family had asked me to do a photo-shoot for them- it was so fun! I got some good money too! My phone bill was payed off, and I still had plenty of money to shop or do whatever. Me and Dakota had progressed in our friendship too; especially when the boys had to go reheats for their tour. We were leaving in 2 days, and we would be on the tour bus for about 2 months, take a break for a week, and we would be back on the road for another 3. I was going to miss my extra room, but I would be touring the world! Winning!

Oh and Dakota will also be on the road with us during tour! I was super excited- we would be doing a ton of girl-time stuff. It will be much needed.

As of right now, I was packing for the tour while the boys are at rehearsals. I turned the radio up full blast, and rocked out. I had to pack a TON of stuff. Clothes, hygienic supplies, makeup, more clothes, accessories, paint, canvases, camera, camera accessories, pillows/favorite blanket, and it was a lot.

I was way too excited! I mean- I was packing a day early, occasionally staring off into space thinking about the future, thinking about Louis, thinking about the tour, planning all of the extra stuff to go see/do free days in the countries. We were first going to a few countries in Europe for the first 2 months. There was a lot of driving, and a lot of traveling. But atleast I have a few dorks to entertain me. I was seriously living the dream.

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