The Beautiful Blond At The BallDance Part II

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Hi Toretto Layla says as He walks out clubhouse.Hey Layla" what you been up to for the past 3 months ? Oh I've been home Chilling    in my Pool And Sometimes think about you.Wait you Do Tony asked"Yes Layla Replied.Um Listen Layla I've been thinking about this and i need to answer this question.Ok What's It Layla Asked.
Layla will you go to the BallDance with me ? Oh my God Tony Yes!! Hell Yes!! Ok I Have Get dressed for the ball see you 7:30 Bye (*Blows Kiss).Ah She is so pretty I can stop looking at her well I better get dressed Too.

7:30 Pm Tony Walks In The Building And Sees that Layla Is Not There"Hm maybe she'll be here any second now"but then he sees a girl with blonde curly hair and colored hair in a long red dress.How do I look"Layla Says.Damn You look good Layla and did you make your hair curly asked Tony.Yes I Did Now
Are you gonna keep asking stupid questions or we gonna Dance? Um I Say we Dance Said Tony.Ok then come on then Layla Says as she grabs his arm.You Know Toretto Ever since you saved me from that train I fell I love with you.And I fell in Love with you as soon as you hugged me.Ok Also one more thing Layla Gray Will you be my Girlfriend? Yess Toretto Yes I will!! Yes Tony Says with Happiness.After was Said Layla And Tony started to Kiss.

11:45 Pm
So what do you wanna Do Tony" Layla we can spend the night at one of our houses if you want.Ok let's go to my House it's Big Also Last One to the House smells like Dogshit.Ok your on said Tony.So the two hoped there cars and started racing to Layla's house. Im going to get my revenge on Toretto for Stealing my crush (*Evil Laughs.)

Layla Gray X Tony Toretto (Tayla)Where stories live. Discover now