The Marriage

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Today was the day of the wedding and Tony was excited to get married to the love of his life.

"Ahh I can't wait to get married to Layla she is the love of my life and nothing will ever change that."

*Sees Layla come out the dressing room*

"Oh my god she looks beautiful."

*Layla sees Tony looking at her*

"Hey Boo,are you excited for the wedding?"

"You know I am." Said Tony with a proud look on his face.

"Well then I'll guess I'll see you in a few minutes then Tony?"

"Yeah sure thing Layla."

A Few Minutes Later

The Wedding Music comes on and Layla is escorted towards the front of the church by Mrs Nowhere.

"Tony Torreto do you take this woman Layla Gray as your wife?"

"I do."

"Layla Gray do you take Tony Torreto as your lawful husband."

"I do"

"You may kiss the bride."

*Tony and Layla kisses each other.*

After the wedding Ends

"So Layla what do you want to do now since we are married?"

"I don't know maybe race?"

"Our Cars are at the garage Layla."

"Oh right I forgot about that."

"It's ok because once we get back we will race like there's no tomorrow."

"Yeah you bet we will." Said Layla.

Tony and Layla walked happily down the aisle with their new lives and spent had the rest of their lives with each other.

The End.

Well this marks the end of the Tony X Layla Saga. Thank you to everyone who had read this story.

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