The Date

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(*Hangs Up After Tony Calls the Group) So Layla what do you wanna do today ? Um We can go on a Date ? Sure Where do you wanna go ? Can we Go to Olive Garden ? Ok bet I like there breadsticks anyways.
6:30 Pm When get They To Olive Garden
Tony I was Thinking I think we should give Shashi a another chance because he hasn't really lived his life yet.Well He did Appreciate that I saved his life in Vegas so I guess that's a fair point.So After Our Date will get Shashi out of Prison asked Layla.Yes Because He Deserves a another chance.Ok after our Date we will bail Shashi out.Ok sounds good Layla said to Tony While Drinking a Milkshake with Tony.
9:30 Pm That's was Good Date Right Layla ?It's was Better than my Prom night So yes.(*Holds Tony's Hand) Um Layla What are you doing asked Tony while Blushing.Um I.....
Nevermind it's ok Layla I kinda like it.
Ok So you Ready to get Shashi out of Jail for the 2nd Time ? Oh I Been Ready to do that said Tony With Confidence.

Layla Gray X Tony Toretto (Tayla)Where stories live. Discover now