Truth Or Dare

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         Tony and the Crew decides to play a game.
Y'all want to play truth or dare Echo asked.Um Sure Tony replied.Sure there is nothing else better to do and also let's get some more people to play said Layla.Cisco do you want to play truth or dare asked Tony.Sure I'm  bored at the moment and Frostee is at home what else am I supposed to do said Cisco.That makes four people alright guys we can play now said Tony.Ok I'll start said Layla.
Echo truth or dare Layla asked.I pick truth said echo.Who do you think is better at driving me or Tony? Well to be honest with you I'm pretty sure it's even.Oh Um Ok Layla says.Ok it's My turn Tony truth of dare Echo asks.I Pick dare says Tony.
Ok Your dare is to do a backflip like you did in that fail video.Um Ok*Tony flips and lands it*I did it did y'all just see that Tony Asked.Yeah we all saw you do it Echo replied.Ok it's My Turn said Cisco.Echo truth or dare asked Cisco.Dare says Echo.I dare you to scream as loud as you can.But everyone is asleep and they will wake up said Echo.Can I do something else? Sure you can do 30 push-ups said Cisco.Ok *Does 30 push-ups* piece of cake said Echo.Cisco truth of dare asked Layla.Dare Says Cisco.I dare you to go to bed and have a good nights sleep.Alright well good night y'all said Cisco.(*In Layla's Mind)Yes Me and Tony are alone but first I need to get rid of Echo.Yo guys I'm going to sleep peace says Echo.Well My plan plan worked but unexpectedly said Layla.Hey Layla I just want you to know that I would always love you Said Tony.And I would always love you said Layla.Well I'm going to sleep Good Night.Good Night Tony I love you.I love you more said Tony as he falls asleep.

Layla Gray X Tony Toretto (Tayla)Where stories live. Discover now