The Bailout

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(*Shashi Gets Released From Prison) So What Made you guys Let me out of Prison ? I was Wrong about you Said Tony.Oh are you and Layla Dating Yet ? Yes we went on a date yesterday.Oh well I'm actually happy for you two it just took me a while to see it said Shashi Smiling.You Know I can hear y'all right said Layla.No dip Layla Said Shashi.Say that to me again and beat the hell out of you.Ok God Damn Layla!! Ok it's Best if we go to the clubhouse and Start hanging out again.
12:45 Pm They arrive at the clubhouse
Why is Shashi out of prison said Echo & Cisco.
Oh it's Because they gave me a Second Chance because Tony realized that I appreciated when he saved my life and I realized what I did was wrong when I was Prison.
Oh Ok That's reasonable Bro said Cisco.
So what you guys wanna do Asked Echo"
Um I don't know Said Tony".Let's Race said Layla Determined to Bet Tony really badly again.Um let's Go to Beach Said Shashi.Sounds Good to Me imma call Frostee Said Echo Catch Y'all at Beach at 1:30 because that's the time I'm going"Ok Peace Echo Said Tony.

Layla Gray X Tony Toretto (Tayla)Where stories live. Discover now