Tony Vs Shashi Part I

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(*Punches Shashi) Wow Toretto you really care about her don't you ? (*Punches Tony back) TONY STOP!! Layla Screamed.NO LAYLA I WONT LET HIM TREAT YOU LIKE THIS!!
Then Layla Remembers that laser cutter that Ms Nowhere gave her".Oh Right I can Use this to cut the rope off"ok here I go.As soon as Layla did that she was free and she Came up And Started fighting Shashi too.(*Punches Shashi.)GIVE UP SHASHI YOUR OUT NUMBERED!!! Layla says as she screamed at Shashi.Not For Long (*Spays Layla with Love Gas) Now He's outnumbered.(*Slaps Tony) GET AWAY FROM MY MAN (*Starts to Fight Tony) What  Layla It's Me Tony Toretto. I don't Love You I Love Shashi Now Get Out Before You Die" said Layla Fine But I'll be Back said an angry and confused Tony.

Layla Gray X Tony Toretto (Tayla)Where stories live. Discover now