Shashi's Revenge

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Good Morning Lay..Layla where are you (Hears Layla Screaming outside)Layla Don't worry Layla I'm Coming.Tony Chases the Van all the way to a House that he has seen before.Wait why is the kidnapper going to Shashi's house?
(*Sees Shashi Comes out the Van)What the hell  Tony says shocked.Shashi Grabs Layla By her hair and drags her in his house.Tony gets out of his car and looks at Shashi's windows and sees Layla getting Tied up to a chair.WHERE'S TORETTO LAYLA"Shashi Says As he yells at her.I don't know Shashi I haven't seen him in 3 months.(*Slaps Her) STOP LYING TO ME LAYLA.You know what Shashi your not gonna anything from me so you mind as well just quit now.(Shashi Gets Mad And Starts to Abuse Her) OW SHASHI STOP IT LEAVE ME ALONE.HEY SHASHI STOP IT SHE SAID LEAVE HER ALONE.Ah Tony Toretto I was just talking about you and I know what your here for your here for Layla Are You ? Yes but she loves me not you so Screw off.Fine so that's how it's gonna be then so be it.

Layla Gray X Tony Toretto (Tayla)Where stories live. Discover now