Tony Vs Shashi Part II

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(* Calls the Group Chat) Guys I Need your Help Layla Been Potioned.What ? Said Echo Frostee and Cisco.Bro what Type of Potion was it Cisco asked.Was it A love Potion Echo asked.
Yes I'm trying to figure out to get Layla out of the spell.Ok Come back to the clubhouse and we can talk about there Echo Said to Tony"
Ok Tony Replied.
3:30 PM
Ok Guys Im Here"Good Now I Think I Gotta Plan.Ok what is it ? Ok Me And Cisco will distract Shashi While You Take this Unlove Potion that Frostee Made before you got here And you Frostee will Sit and look at the cams and tell us if anything is wrong Sounds Good ? Yup Sounds Good to me Frostee,Tony,Cisco said. Ok Let's go get Layla Back Guys !! (*Kissing) Ahh Layla You are my number one baby.Yup thats me your queen and you are king Shashi (*Kisses Shashi) Yo yo yo what up Shashi !! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE yelled Shashi.(*Layla Sees Tony) WHERE DO THINK YOUR GOING TORETTO!!! (*Growls And Punches Him) LAYLA STOP I JUST WANNA TALK TO YOU!!! Fine What do you want from me Toretto? Can you drink this for me? Unlove Potion what is this.Oh this a drink I made I wanna see if tastes bad or not.Ok But This better be a good drink Toretto.(*Drinks the Unlove Potion) Woah What Happened? You was in love with Shashi Because ...THAT POTION HE SPRAYED ME WITH LOVE POTION Layla Said.We gotta Break that Potion.Hey Shashi was This Love Potion Woops.(*Grows) Damn it you Ruined my Potion.That what you get Fool.Give up Shashi Your Outnumbered Again.No No No this can't be happening Also Shashi btw I never loved you.(*Poilce Sirens Arrives) Nooo.Shashi When will you learn" this time your going to prison and also going for 20 years. No This Can't be happening. Oh it Is Bye Shashi.(*Poilce Cars Drives away) Let's all go home and but this behind his Layla you can go to my house. Ok Toretto.See you guys Later.Peace Tony Echo says. See you later Bro Cisco says.Peace Guys I'll Call y'all when I get to my House.

Layla Gray X Tony Toretto (Tayla)Where stories live. Discover now