Laughing way too freaking hard

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I sometimes laugh way too freaking hard.

No you don't understand, I literally just started crying from all the laughing and my throat hurts, and I need water, but friends keep making me shmir* so I can't drink!

Also my bestie just shmired all over the bus, it was funny.

It made me laugh more.


Ah well.

But you know, laughing is the best thing, cuz my day was good from laughing, when we had sucky testing.

Only it was writing, I love writing! (Obviously. I'm writing right now.)

Byeee for now kiddies.

*a SHMIR is when substence come out of your nose and/or mouth after eating or drinking usually happening because laughter or annoyance in your fellow people.

Just me rantingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt