13 Lupe, Simia, and Ursa

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Another day passed, it was boring. Then he remembered that he forgot to check up on Lupe and the others. Oh! Killua got up from a chair in the main room, then started walking. "Hey Kil-" He walked right passed Luck without a word, and he frowned slightly after him. "Aw man I wanted to fight him" He muttered sadly, before zipping over to Magna. "Hey!" He shouted, as Luck zapped him a little. "haha! Come on, fight me!" The voices faded into the background as he made his way to the beast cage, then he heard yelling. Killua recognized that yell, and turned to see Asta with a white bandana on running along the floors with a rag. He's the one who cleans? Sure as hell don't envy him. He paused as he got to Killua. "Hey man, going somewhere?" He asked conversationally. "beast cage" Asta blinked, then continued on. "AHHHHHHHHH-" His yelling faded into the distance, and a few minutes of wandering later he came across the beast cage. For some reason Asta was there, obviously forgetting it wasn't his job anymore to feed the beasts.

"A-Alright! Sit beasties!" The three of them sat, but they weren't obedient, they were in wait. He's not firm enough, he doesn't have authority. He observed. He's just food to them. As he held the meat out, Lupe chomped down on his head. To his surprise, Asta held his jaws open with a grit of his teeth. "Damn it how'd Killua do it-" then he paused. "Wait it isn't my job anymore" He chuckled, and then walked over. Lupe's ears perked up and he let go of Asta, tail wagging. "Lupe" Killua ruffled his fur a little behind the ears. "RRR!" The bearlike beast slammed into the bars, head too big to stick through. Killua thought for a moment, then waved a hand in a shooing motion. "back" He commanded. All three beasts retreated to the back of the cage, and Killua opened it. He closed the door behind him and as soon as he was in, he was swarmed with tongues and furry bodies. Like they've known me for years. Asta had left, so he laughed a little, then cleared his throat. "Alright, sit"

All three sat down, and Killua pointed to Lupe. "Your name is Lupe" his finger moved to the Apelike creature. "Simia" He made a rumble and butted his head on Killua's hand. Then his finger pointed to the bearlike creature, which he then noticed that she was actually a girl. "Sorry girl, I just got a good look at you" She made a happy growl and rubbed her face against his hand. "Ursa" It meant she-bear, which was perfect for her. Ursa let out a rumble and he snickered. "Can I ride you?" She ducked her head and Killua's eyes shimmered as he climbed onto her back. He laughed a little and stroked her head, resting his own between her horns. "Ruu" He looked over at Lupe, who was nosing at him. He smiled and leapt from Ursa to Lupe, his back was more fluffy and comfortable. "You're an attention seeker" He said, stroking his ears. Lupe wagged happily, and Killua let out a sigh. "You remind me of Mike, he's a guard wolf back home"

Killua felt a tear roll down his cheek. Lupe whimpered and turned to lick his face, Killua sighed. "I miss home. M-My friend would l-love you guys-" Killua choked on his words, then slid off Lupe's back and covered his face with his hands. The three beasts gathered around him, he didn't even know why they liked him. What had he done? Put them in their place? As he cried, he felt Ursa's Tongue rasp gently along his face. It brought him a small amount of comfort, but not enough to dry his tears. Killua heard footsteps and quickly turned his back, putting on his monotone expression and cleaning his face. He heard the footsteps pick up, "KILLUA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU-" Lupe snarled, lunging at the bars and the person that spoke. That person happened to be Noelle. She gasped, scrambling backwards. Killua let out a sharp whistle. "Lupe" Lupe's ears pricked and he turned his head with a slight head tilt. Killua snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground in front of him. "Come"

He padded over and sat down heavily, panting. Ursa rumbled and growled a little at Noelle, and Killua snapped again. "Ursa let her be" She stopped, then Killua rubbed her ears. Simia came over and butted his head into Killua's arm, he scratched under his chin and he let out a purrlike noise. The issue was that they all wanted his attention all at once, and he only had so many arms. "What the hell..." Noelle muttered. He looked over at her with a monotone expression. "They like me" She huffed. "Well that much is obvious" Lupe licked his face and he turned, rubbing a knuckle up his snout. "I heard yelling! What's-" Finral paused, taking in the scene. Everybody's so freaked out, their just animals. Ursa shoved Simia out of the way to get his attention, Simia shoved back with a growl. Soon enough the two were tussling on the ground, and Killua couldn't help being slightly amused. Lupe was happy to get him all to himself for now, Killua leaned against his side with a sigh. "You two, stop fighting"

Ursa and Simia separated and bustled over, shoving their heads in his face. He rested a hand on each of their heads and spent time stroking them. "The hell's going on here?" He glanced over his shoulder to see that Finral had brought Yami, and he was currently watching with a mildly surprised expression. "Lupe, Ursa, Simia, sit" Killua commanded. They instantly obeyed, and Yami's eyebrows raised as he strolled over. "You named them?" He shrugged. Yami chuckled, "been trying to get rid of 'em for years but they keep coming back. Nobody else can tame 'em either" He snapped his fingers and all three beasts lined up behind him. "Their beautiful animals I don't mind taking them off your hands" Noelle wrinkled her nose slightly. "Beautiful?" She muttered. "Tell me" Yami said, removing the dangling cigarette from the corner of his mouth. "Got experience with large creatures?"

He chuckled slightly, "Got a few at home, least twice the size" Finral shivered a little. "yeaaah, I'm out" then he ducked back into a portal. "Hey take me wi-!" Noelle jumped through as well, then the portal closed. He patted each head as he said their names. "Lupe, Simia, and Ursa. Ursa's a girl by the way" Yami raised an eyebrow. "You can tell?" He gave a short nod, then he shrugged. "Alright, whatever. Feeding 'em costs a fortune, you can spend your own money on it" He turned, then let out a smile, only because he was turning away. I love them. And he did, he had already gotten attached. "I'll take them" Yami laughed. "Your one unique kid. Knock yourself out." he started walking down the hall, before looking over his shoulder once. "also, you got a mission tomorrow. Be ready" He turned with his monotone face on, then nodded. "Will be"

1209 words

To be continued...

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