41 The interview

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Captain Yami, Gon and Killua were sitting in the same room. The captain was across of them, they were sitting next to each other on the same chair. "So, I wasn't there for the incident with the witch queen, but I heard you pushed her out of your mind and stabbed yourself. I'd like a full explanation" Gon glanced and him and he shrugged. "So, I used to be an assassin" Captain Yami's eyes widened slightly. Gon snorted. "Way to get to the point" He rolled his eyes. "He wanted to truth, he's getting the damn truth. I aint sugarcoating it." He crossed his legs beneath him. "Trained since I was three, killed my first person at six, retired officially at 12 and a half." Yami's eyes narrowed slightly. "Who the hell let's there kid-"

"The Zoldycks are a famous family of assassins." He said. "I have 4 siblings, only one who's younger than me wasn't trained that way. Somehow I ended up being the heir even though I was the one in the middle, some shit about me 'having my father's power' because I had white hair or something" He sighed. "So I was trained harshly and stuff, I was the one with the most potential so I got sent to a big ass arena when I was 6 and I wasn't allowed to return until I made it to the 200th floor" He said dryly. "Took 2 fucking years" He made a cat face which Gon giggled at. "But I got me some snacks with the prize money that lasted me a few years" Killua leaned back in his chair with a slight shrug. "I didn't care about other people at that point, wasn't trained to. I didn't have friends, and I was forced to develop many assassination techniques from a young age" He said. "One day when I was twelve I decided that I didn't want to be an assassin anymore. That I wanted to choose my own path in life"

Killua rolled his eyes. "Mother had a mental breakdown and started sobbing." Killua smirked. "So I slashed my mom on the face and my brother in the side on the way out" Gon giggled. "They deserved it!" he snickered, then sighed. "getting your way without killing people when that's all you really know how to do is hard. I made my way to the hunter's exam and then..." Gon slid his arm around his waist and he blushed a little. "And then I met him and we traveled together!" He sighed. "Illumi put a needle in my head during the last phase of the exam, controlling me through fear to become a better assassin. Even though I had the talent and the skill, I lacked the heart of an assassin so he tried to reform it" Killua scowled. "Pulled that motherfucker out of my head as soon as I realized it was in me" He shot a glare at Gon. "While you were having fun on a date with a middle aged woman"

"H-Hey! I only said yes because Palm was creepy and I didn't want to make her mad. If you remember correctly, she chased us with a knife after that all happened." Killua rolled his eyes. "I do. I was the one that had to haul you out of there " Captain Yami, he had been listening in silence so far decided to speak. "How the hell are you still sane?" He blinked. "The fuck's that supposed to mean?" Gon giggled. "he's wondering why you still somewhat act like a normal kid despite everything we've gone through. Oh. "Ah, I got used to it I guess. Life sucks, people die, you get stabbed, deal with it" He shrugged. "Sure I killed a fuck ton of innocent people and I regret it, but there's no do overs in life. Once it's done it can't be undone" He looked down at his hands. "Someone who has killed, can never be deemed innocent." Gon smacked him. "You're a good person" He rubbed his cheek with a scowl. "Then why'd you slap me?" He grumbled.

Gon beamed at him and he couldn't help but blush a little. "Because otherwise you'll go through self doubt and think you're a monster so I slap you to rid of that train of thought. Listen to the words your saying Killua and actually put them into practice" He said, passive aggressively. I guess he's kind of right. Saying the words doesn't mean I feel them. He still did carry around a lot of guilt, that guilt was hidden behind a mask of nonchalance and half forced personality. Gon saw right through him, even when nobody else could. "You know, I hate you sometimes" Gon ruffled his hair a little with a hand. "I love you too" He blushed and smacked him. "baka!" Gon burst into giggles. "Just a question" Captain Yami said. They both stopped and looked over at him in unison. Yami shifted a little and lit himself a new cigarette. "How exactly is it possible for you to be immune to poisons?" Killua blinked. "Well you have to be injected with it. Sure it used to hurt, but once it happened enough times I stopped getting sick."

Killua shrugged. "Same with pain tolerance. If you get whipped and electrocuted enough it just starts hurting less" He snickered, then dislocated a few bones in his hands and fingers. Yami actually showed a flash of horror in his eyes for a split second before controlling it. "Yeah, I can dislocate my bones at will too." Gon giggled and grabbed his hand. "He's got so many cool assassin abilities it's so awesome! Like rhythm echo, snake awakens, Ooh finger manipulation's my favorite! I still wanna learn it by the way, I'll keep trying!" He sighed. "No. I'm not teaching you assassination techniques. There used for killing people and you're not allowed to fucking kill people" He hit Gon over the head and he rubbed it with a huff. "That's my job"

"I thought you said you 'used' to be an assassin. Doesn't that mean it's not your job anymore?" Yami asked. He snorted. "I may have quit, but that means I don't get hired to do it" Killua grinned with a slightly manic look in his eyes. "I still kill pedophiles and people who use children. Sick bastards like that deserve it" Gon smiled. "I have no issues with this, just don't get caught" Killua shot him an offended look. "I am a trained professional, I don't get myself caught" He crossed his arms, clearly not impressed. "Explain why right before you left there was a serious of murders on the news then. Each of them were missing their hearts, and were known to harass children" Killua twitched slightly. Did I really make it on the news? "T-There was no evidence or anything! I didn't leave fucking fingerprints or any sign of my presence!" Gon rolled his eyes. "I know it was you. I'm pretty sure Kurapika and Leorio did too, hell anyone who knew you well could guess that."

He held a finger up with a satisfied expression. "Would any of these said people snitch?" Gon blinked. "No?" He nodded in satisfaction. "Then there is no evidence" Captain Yami sighed. "You guys done talking about murder yet?" Oh right, this was an interview of sorts. He turned back to Yami with a slight yawn of fake boredom. "Yeah yeah, any more questions?" He shook his head. "Nah not really, just don't kill anyone important. I get your whole way of thinking is abstract compared to here so I'll let it slide, especially if it's only the people who kill and stalk kids. Despite the fact you kill people you're not actually an evil person-"

"CAPTAIN YAMI SIR! SOMEONE JUST BROKE IN AND RESTRAINED HALF THE SQUAD!" Asta yelled. He stood up. "Why the hell didn't you deal with it then?" Yami asked darkly. He rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I was told to run and get help" Killua got up and Gon bounced to his feet as well. "Aight, let's go whoop some ass" He said offhandedly, strolling down the hallway with his hands behind his head. Let's see who we have- When he and Gon ascended the stairs, they froze. Noelle, Charmy, Finral, Gauche, Gordon, Grey, Magna, and Vanessa were tied up in translucent clear threads. Threads made of Nen. Their eyes landed on a pink haired woman in the middle who was currently inspecting a grimoire. Fuck.

1423 words

To be continued...

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