14 First mission

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I posted this early because I'm bored and I haven't gotten any comments in a while. -3- Also I reached 160 followers, that's a good reason too. 

He was sitting in the dining hall, blinking down at the feast before him. It was meat and bread, some veggies thrown in there as well. "Eat up!" Charmy said encouragingly. "Your gonna need all your stamina for the mission this morning!" He kept his monotone expression on, but it obviously showed that he wasn't exactly thrilled. I want something sweet. Charmy growled, everyone else was stuffing their face pretty much but he was motionless. "Eat!" He crossed his legs with a sigh. "Not my style" he muttered. Charmy thought for a moment, then waved her hands. "bring out the sheep cooks!" He blinked as 5 sheep materialized and started whipping up a different meal. "Oh come on man! Just eat it!" Magna muttered. "Charmy's food is awesome" Finral offered. But he wasn't interested. Charmy was ordering her cooks, then looked over at him with an intense look. "I will find something you like!" He crossed his arms. "Sure"

Soon enough there were 5 plates in front of him. One was a soup, another had a shrimp stew, the third was a salad, the fourth contained a kebab, and the last one... it had something that caught his eye. Killua scooted that plate over, looking curiously at the plate of sushi. Oooh. Killua was always fond of sushi, especially since Gon had started to make it often. He was pretty decent, but not as good as aunt mito. "Looks tasty right?" Killua reached out to take one of the plate, and he could have sworn at least five people were watching him. He placed it in his mouth, then his eyes widened slightly. Holy f- Killua finished his piece quickly and snagged another, shoving it in his mouth. "Mh" Killua's eyes shone a little. It's made perfectly. The rice is pressed just right, the spices- Charmy cheered. "Yes! Cooks! Make more!" Charmy's sheep cooks started creating more of that delicious sushi, the tension faded from the table as he started to eat. His coldness faded slightly, a little emotion showed on his face. That emotion, was contentment.

"Sushi?" Asta said curiously, right after shoving some of the kebab on his discarded plate in his mouth. "never had that before" he reached out to take one and Killua hissed, eyes narrowing. Asta snatched his hand back with a yelp, then shot him an indignant glare. "hey! It's not all yours!" why the hell not? He removed his eyes from Asta and focused on his sushi again. "Damn" Vanessa muttered. Killua glanced over at her, before noticing something. She had a bottle, and that bottle smelled like wine. Hmm... Killua had tasted many types of drinks, his parents viewed it as 'training' when he wondered what the fancy drink his mother had was during a family dinner one time. Vanessa chuckled, "Got your eyes on this?" She asked, dangling the bottle from between two fingers. "Hey! He's underage!" Magna protested. Vanessa frowned slightly as he looked at him. "Just cuz he looks young doesn't mean he is" Magna was about to protest when Killua spoke. "I'm 15" Asta, Noelle, Magna, Gauche, Luck, and Charmy, blinked in confusion. Vanessa sighed. "Well I guess-"

Killua cut her off by swiping the drink and uncapping the bottle. A few people started yelling, but he looked Vanessa right in the eye as he knocked it back. "DUDE YOUR GONNA-" Killua finished the bottle, then set it on the table with a thunk. Vanessa grinned. "I like you kid, how 'bout you go drinking with me sometime?" Killua licked his lips, then took another sushi. "Maybe" There was dead silence for a few seconds, then Captain Yami walked in. "Alright gang, here's the mission" Killua crossed his legs, resuming his monotone expression and turning in his direction. The rest of the squad stopped their idle chatter and turned as well. "Apparently there's been a series of kidnappings in Bukuni village" That peeked Killua's interest slightly. "They're all children from five to twelve" Killua struggled to keep his bloodlust under control, startling multiple of his squadmates. He put a hand to his face, calming himself. You're getting sent on this mission. Calm your ass down.

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