VIII "runaway"

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Steve's Pov

I landed on something soft...i landed on my face..god.
I slowly looked up to see where i was...i was in the middle of the woods..overworld..
Im in the overworld!

I looked around happyly,,animals trees!
Im here,i actually managed to escape..
I stud up as i grabbed the diamond pickaxe i had with me.
I looked at the still activated portal,my eyebrows frowning.
I swung the pickaxe as i broke a chunk out off the obsidion.
The portal unactivated.
I sighted in relief as i made a run for it in the woods.
I don't know where this portal lead me to but i hope it isn't somewhere far away from home or Notch's castle..i need to go to him,i need to tell him.
I ran trough the woods as i saw a river,i took that as an oportunity to take some water for this jurney.
I walked slowly to the river as i grabbed an empty bottle from my bag and filled it with water,i closed the lid and walked off.
I looked up in the sky,its getting dark..i don't have a clock with me right now,im unsure what time it cold be but what i could guess it was 7 pm.
I still walked searching for a shelter or somewhere where i can sleep,or rest in while its night,protect myself from the monsters thar will come out at night.
While walking i choped some wood here and there,got some food and picked up some mushrooms that i could make mushroom stew with.
It was curently 9 pm..


I heard a zombie...
I sped up my walking phase as i search for a shelter quickly,a few skeletons,spiders and creepers saw me.
God the whole crew!?
I said to myself as i started to run,i looked left and right to find a cave or a small entrance with a dead end.
Gh! I felt sharp pain on my arm.
I looked at it to see an arrow on it as blood dripped from my arm.
But i kept running,it didn't weaken me,it hurts but it doesn't stop me.
As i run and breathe heavelly i see a shelter.
'Finally!' I say to myself as i run inside it and block the entrance with a big rock.
It wasn't dark,no
Light was coming from a small a small opening,it looked like a window.
Still..they can't get me in here.
I sit on a rock as i rest and calm from the heavy breathing.
I grab a sheet that i kept in my bag as i places it down on the floor,it was a soft sheet with filling inside,i could sleep on it till morning.

Shuffle shuffle

I heard something move behind one of the rocks...what is that?
I stud up and grabbed the small rock and removed it.
Only to see a small white bunny shivering behind it. "Oh?" I say.
The bunny looked at me as it got starled and backed away into the corner,oww..
I slowly made my hands to grab it,it got scared but i managed to grab it gently in my hand and hold it.
It was so so small,almost at the size of my hand.
"Its okay.." i said as i smiled softly.
It was so cute..i carassed its back gently as it started to relax in my hold.
I looked at its leg,its bleeding.
My face turned into a concerned one as i sat down on the sheet and grabed a healing potion that Alizabeth gave me before i escaped.
I placed the small bunny on my lap,as i opened the lid and put a drop on the leg,it shinned a pinky purple color as it heaved completally,the bunny looked at it as it started to jump around happily.
"Ur free can go"
I said,the bunny looked at me..and came closer.
? It snuggled in my hand.
I smiled and grabed it gently..holding it into my hand once more.
"You don't wanna go?" The bunny refused to get off my hand as it nuzzled its nose on my fingers.
I chuckled softly.
"Alright..what shall i call you?" I
"Snow"..the bunny looked at me.
"Ill call you snow,because you are white and beautiful as snow" i said smiling.
The bunny jumped in myhand once more as it got closer to nuzzle its nose on my cheek.
I wondered...what gender is it?
I turned it around.
Its a girl.
"Alright little snow,we need rest now.." i layed on the sheet slowly as i put the soft fluff ball next to me,she nuzzled under my neck,getting warm.
I smiled softly and closed my eyes..drifting into deep slumber.


HIHIHI So did u enjoy the chapter?
No? ik its boring-
If you see any miss spellings understand that its 2 am so uh im kinda lazy to read this story and fix em AHA-
ima read it when ill wake up And fix those stuff cause my hand are on that one pose that makes me do alot of mistakes cause of my fast fat fingers-
I am

S o n i c

Hope all if you have a nice day/night!

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