XIII "A shocking encounter"

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Steve spent his last momments while being in the castle with everyone,maria and the other maids and butlers prepared dinner,as Steve,Notch,Maria and all of the others ate all together,laughing and talking.

it was 2 pm..time to go.
As they finished dinner he went to his room and packed his weapons and everything he came here with.
He walked downstairs as he saw everyone gathered up at the giant door..which was the exit.
He took a deep breath and exhaled as he walked closer smiling to everyone.
"Steve..you have the potion with you yes?"
Notch asked,Steve nodded.
"And you will be careful yes?"
Maria asked as she hugged him.
"I will" they broke the hug.
"We wish you luck and hope for your safety Steve,i didn't know you'll go trough this mess.."
One soldgier said as they both G lock ed their hands and hugged while taping eachothers back "No worries..ill be fine.."
Steve said as they broke the hug.
He open the exit door.
"Ill see you all next time.." he say as he finally close it and wen't trough the garden of inside the castle,steve open the big gates as he exit it completally..now met with the path of the dark woods.

Steve's Pov

I walk trough it as snow relaxes in my pocket,she starts to squeek.
I look down in confusion.
"What is it fluff?" I say and pick her up,only for her to make her way into my shirt under my chin as she picks her head up and peeks from my collar.
"I guess you felt lonely in my pocket huh?" I chuckle as i leave a kiss on top of her head.
I continue walking to get home,the path getting darker and darker,but...it wasn't as dark to light up a torch,i could still see.


I heard a bush move..i look at my left where the noise came from,snow squeeked nervously.
Maybe its an animal? Who knows..i start to sweat as i have the feeling its him,it can be..snow seems to feel some kind of..unsettling energy.
I continue walking as i hear more noises,i ignore them,i pet snow on the head to calm her down,her ears were down..hm.




I freze..
!! I turn around as i hold my sword out..

No ones there...

...hm..i start to sweat as i felt uneasy in my chest..
I turn around again to continue walking..He's here..im sure of it..
I still walk trough the woods as i look around confused.

"S t e v e"

....i heard the voice behind me..its him...
I turn around,only to be pushed against a tree as i hit my back on it.
"How i missed y o u"
He said,snow was now shivering as she hid completally under my shirt.
I looked up as i glared at herobrine.
"Were gonna have a long talk when we get home.."
He said as he grabed both of my upper arms harshly with both of his hands,than his eyes widened.
He hissed in pain as he quicky let go and backed up slightly..looking down at his hands with wide eyes..than at me..
"I don't think that would happen.." i glare at him..
He looked at me furious.
He shoved his hands against the tree above me..so hard that the tree shaked..at some point made holes in it..
He looked down at me with wide glowing angry eyes as white smoke trails from them.
"That damn spell.."
He said almost whispering..
I looked at him,he narowed his eyes while they still gazing at mine..
That cold stare..stearing at my soul.
He stayed silent for a momment,looking at me with a calm frown...
"Don't think that you've gotten away.."
He says softly..I finally move as i kneels slightly to escape his arm barrier as i ran trough the woods,following the path once more,i looked behind to see if he was there..

Gone..he was gone.
I turned back and kept running as i make it out of the dark woods,followed by the sunny light.
I checked on snow as she was still shaking inside my shirt.
"Hey its allright..he won't harm us.."
I grab her in my hand to calm her down,she snuggled in it and relax into my hold.
We passed the village as the villagers greeted me,we traded,they gave me gifts for the return after a long week.
As i exit the village i follow the path that leads to my house,man do i miss my home..hopefully i'll be ok in it while im in this messy situation.
I make a turn as my house comes in sight...home.
We're home.
I walk up to the door as i twist the doorhandle and open it,i walk in and close the door behind me.
I look around,everything is the same,no changes,nothing.
I put my backpack down as i take off my shoes and put them besides the door.
First thing i do is go upstairs as i enter my room,put snow on the pillow and jump on the bed hugging it.
I missed this soft bed..
Snow must've missed her pillow too.
I chuckle at that tought.
She must be hungry,i grabbed food from the table where i always keep it as i place it on a small bowl,she eats the greens so fast like she's never seen before.
I chuckle.
I go downstairs to grab my backpack as i go to the chest and put all my weapons in it,placing everything at its own place where it should be.


I heard a step,oh god not again.
I look behind me as i stand up from my spoot and peek trough the entrance of my living room..no ones there.

S t e p s t e p

I heard it behind me..I gasp in suprise as i bonk my head on the side of the door.
I hiss in pain as i hold the side of my head.

I finally turn around to see..no one there.
...am i just..imagening things? am i just paranoyed..i swore i heard steps.
I look around concerned.
I turn to my left where the window is as i see him..standing outside and looking at me as his white eyes glow.
He knew i saw him,i frown as i turn my head to the stairs and walked upstairs,god do i have to deal with him..
I jump on my bed next to snow as she cuddles right next to me.
I need to take a nap...get my mind cleared from all of this.
I slowly start to close my eyes,snow snuggled under my neck.

And they fell asleep.

Herobrine was still standing by the window.
He ignored him? He frowned at this..the misterious man flew to the second story window that leaded to Steve's room.
as he peeked thru it,He fell asleep..His bunny snuggled up to him.
His expression softened..he crossed his arms as he layed his head on them stearing at Steve's peaceful slumber.
He wondered...how he will touch him..hug him hold him..
He will be here..he will always be here to make himself known,he will be here with steve to protect him no matter what.
But for these 5 days of that forsaken spell that notch gave him,he frowned..how could Notch do this to him..Another punishment for wanting a human boy he is attached to?
He stopped stearing as he got off from his position and teleported away,teleporting in his castle,his castle was in the overworld but..far away from where notch is and Steve.
He walked in it as the monsters greeted him,he closed the giant door as his steps echoed thru the whole castle,sun shinning from the windows,warmness everywhere.
His throne was infront of him but..instead he wen't at the back of the castle where the flower garden is.
He loved flowers,He loved nature...everyone tought he was a being that only wants distruction?
No,He loved nature..he saw the big bees fly by him as one came right besides him..he took it in his hand and softly looking at it.
He grabbed a popy as he fed the bee,it danced happily in his hand as he chuckled,the bee snuggled in his hand. 'Cute' he tought.
He let go of it as it flew next by the other bees.
He sat next to a tree as he rested his head on it.
Alizabeth came in his sight as she waters the flowers,she poured it gently as she hummed.
Herobrine closed his eyes as he relaxed by the sound of nature,birds singing..flowers blooming,soft wind blowing making his hair move slightly,carassing his beard and skin.
Alizabeth finished with the watering as she looked at Herobrine.
"Oh..that man" she said to herself as she slowly made her way to him.
She slowly sat by him,She knows he comes here to enjoy nature and relax..

Her voice said quietly
There was a short silence after she spoke again..
"Were you at his house..?"
She said nervously,after she helped him escape she wasn't sure if he was mad at her or so..even tho he forgived her.
Herobrine nodded.
..She was still bothered by the toughts..she didn't want him to be mad at her,or upset by her any longer..
Little did she knew Herobrine already senced her worry and Read her toughts..
"Its not you that im upset about Alizabeth.."
He oppened his eyes as he looked at her softly and..a slight of worry or sadness in his face.
"Notch casted the spell on him"
"That protective spell-"
She looked at him sadly,she knew how upset that would make Herobrine..
Alizabeth scooched closer to him as she put a hand on his shoulder carassing it gently for comfort.
Herobrine looked at her as she slightly smiled.
"I wish i had a potion for that..a potion i could make for that spell to protect you from it..but i don't know if i could make it-"
"Don't bother,that spell is way too powerful to make a potion to avoid,Notch made it untouchable..unremovable..it will only remove itself in 5 days,5 days that feel like forever.."
He said as he frowned but..maybe he can go trough it,He'll still be There with Steve,He can still get close..But..Steve is untouchable for now.
He snapped from his toughts as Alizabeth handed him 4 peony flowers.
While he was thinking she cut them off,2 white ones,2 pink ones.
He already read her mind,she wants her to give these to Steve.
He smiled "alright,Thank you Aliza"
He doesn't say her name fully,but calls her like that as a nickname.
He stud up and teleported away as he walked into his castle and grabbed a glass vace,as he filled it with water and put the 4 peonis in it.
He grabbed vace,and teleported away to go to his Human's House.

𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑠 [𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐱 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞] Where stories live. Discover now