Chapter Two

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"Hey!  Are you gonna wake up at some point?" A voice called.  Lizzie blinked open her eyes and looked around.  She didn't recognize where she was.  She took a deep breath and allowed herself to process her surroundings.  It was a simple room made of orange terracotta, but there was a small tub of water where she layed and nothing else.  Wait, there was something else.  There was a figure on a chair.  Was that who had called out to her?

"Where am I?" She asked, voice shaking.  "And who are you?" The figure stood up, coming into the light.

"You woke up!" He exclaimed.  He looked about her age, with tanned skin and brown eyes.  He had brown-and-green, short hair, and a welcoming smile.

"I… woke up?" Lizzie asked, readjusting.  He nodded.

"You were sleeping for ages," he explained.  "We weren't sure what was gonna happen."

Lizzie froze, thinking, trying to remember what events had gotten her here.  She remembered talking to Jimmy, and then being tired…

"When you say 'ages,' you don't mean…" she began.  He shrugged.

"A month and a half, give or take.  Mom and Dad brought you here when they found you laying out there," he said, gesturing outside.  Lizzie swung her head around.

"A month and a half?" She repeated.  He nodded.

"Yeah," he said, sighing.  "I don't really know what to say.  We don't know who your family is, so… we couldn't tell them." This seemed strange to her.  They didn't know who her family was?  Surely they would have put out some sort of alert that the royal family's daughter was missing?

But she remembered something she had heard.  "The Mezalean Empire is reclusive.  They never know what's going on."

Of course, she got lost in the one empire that didn't know who she was.  But maybe that was a good thing.  No need to take a random half-axolotl hostage.

"What's your name?" He interrupted her thoughts.

"Ah- Lizzie," she said.  "And you?"

"Joel," he replied.  "I'm Joel."

"Ocean's blessings, Joel," she greeted him.  He smiled. 

"I'll call my mother.  She'll be thrilled to see you're awake." He ran out of the room, leaving Lizzie to her thoughts.  Mother and Father must be so worried… and I've left Jimmy, too.  Surely I can leave soon…

She was disrupted by footsteps rushing towards her.  Joel ran in, followed swiftly by a regal woman with flowing brown hair and warm hazel eyes.  Her face was littered with dark freckles and she was tall.  Atop her head was what really convinced Lizzie that she was in the presence of Mezalean royalty- her glittering crown.  It was gold, with emeralds and diamonds engraved deep in the molding.

"Ocean's blessings," Lizzie stammered, doing her best to bow from her position.  The woman chuckled, shaking her head.

"There's no need for that, dear.  You aren't one of my people." Lizzie thought about this.  Would her parents have said that to an outsider whose life they had saved?  I doubt it.  She snapped back to reality and bowed her head.

"Ah, thank you, your majesty."

The queen nodded.  "Please, just call me Jill," she dismissed her.  Lizzie nodded.

"If you don't mind, could you tell me what happened?" Lizzie asked quietly after a moment.  

"Of course," Jill said.  "My husband and I were walking through the kingdom, and we saw you lying on the ground.  We brought you to the castle healers because we knew you would die otherwise.  That was a month and a half ago…" her voice trailed off and she gazed at Lizzie.  "Strange, I feel as though I recognize you."

Lizzie sunk her teeth into her lip uncomfortably.  She knew that she had memorable bright blue eyes, and pink hair, and being half blue axolotl, like her mother, she was destined to be easily known.  But here, in another empire, that was dangerous.  But lying to a queen could be as well.

"You may have seen me around at events," she said vaguely.  "People tell me I have a memorable face."

The queen nodded.  "Perhaps.  Now, Joel, why don't you show Lizzie around?  She'll be staying here until the healers deem her fit to travel," she offered, addressing her son.  Joel nodded.

"Here, I'll show you all around the castle.  I'm sure you won't have to stay here long." He held out his hand, which Lizzie took after a long moment.  He started running, Lizzie chasing after him.

The Empires Unite - A Jizzie Empires FanficWhere stories live. Discover now