Chapter Three

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Joel showed Lizzie so many places in the castle, from the bedrooms to the balconies to the kitchens.  It was a lively place, filled with bustling workers and warm welcomes.  Lizzie would have loved it, but it was hot and dry.  She tapped Joel's shoulder.

"Yeah?" Joel asked, turning around.

"I need water," Lizzie explained, shuddering.  Joel nodded in understanding, heading into the kitchen.  Lizzie waited outside nervously.

Joel ran back over, holding a couple of water bottles and a wet rag.  "Will this be enough?" He asked.  Lizzie nodded.

"Thanks," she said, drinking from one of the water bottles.  Joel grinned and grabbed her wrist, dragging her back to her room, where Jill was still waiting.

"It's been a few hours, have you finished your tour?" She asked, sitting back.  

"Yeah, I've showed her around," Joel responded.  Lizzie smiled, and then, saying what she knew her family would appreciate, said,

"It's a lovely palace, and very organized." Jill smiled.

"You have such lovely manners, my dear," she said.  

"Thank you, but you did save my life.  Being polite is the least I could do," Lizzie pointed out.  Jill chuckled.

"Alright, well, Lizzie, would you prefer to eat alone or with my family?" The queen asked.  Lizzie stepped back, shocked.

"You would offer for an outsider to join you for dinner?" She asked, incredulous.  The queen nodded.

"Normally, I wouldn't, but you're healing, and I don't want you eating with the servants.  You do have a mild concussion, I'm afraid, and so it would be quite a bit too loud for you there," she explained.  Lizzie smiled lightly.

"Well, thank you, I would be honored," she said.  The queen nodded, smiling.  

"Now, walk this way," she said, leading the two thirteen year olds to the dining hall.  It was absolutely gorgeous, as far as Lizzie was concerned.  It was made of red clay, with a large table in the middle, made of quartz.  There was a chandelier on the ceiling and lanterns lit the room.  The king and queen had thrones on opposite ends of the table.  The king was already there, and the queen took her seat, gesturing for Lizzie and Joel to sit.  Lizzie said nothing, because she knew if guests were at her palace, they should not speak unless spoken to.

"My dear Lizzie, if I may ask," the queen started, "Why were you on our land to begin with?"

Lizzie shifted uncomfortably.  "You see, I have always enjoyed exploring, and so sometimes I visit the other empires.  Not often, but I go to the ones I'm most curious about.  I typically only go to the outskirts, as to not trespass, but your empire- though it's wonderful, of course- looks much the same all around.  So I went a little too far in, then couldn't find my way out.  I'm terribly sorry."

The queen and king nodded in understanding.  

"That makes sense, Lizzie," the king amended.  "But we are a reclusive empire, and we don't normally trust outsiders, so you must understand why we asked."

"Of course!" Lizzie exclaimed.  "Of course, it makes perfect sense!  My-" not family, she reminded herself.  "My empire would do the same, I'm sure."

Joel leaned back.  His father and mother sighed.  "Posture, Joel," his mother chided.

"Sorry, Mom," he said, fixing his stance.  "Could we please eat now?"

"Of course," Jill said, biting into her steak.  Lizzie sank her teeth into her lip for a moment before following suit, taking a bite of the meat.  

After eating, and talking a little bit with the royal family, the king glanced at Lizzie.

"Was it good?" He asked.  Lizzie nodded vigorously.

"Oh, yes.  Thank you," she said.  He smiled.

"Alright, well, Lizzie, why don't you head to your room and sleep?" He suggested.  "Same goes to you, Joel.  Get some rest." Lizzie nodded once more.

"Thank you, your majesty," she said, rising from her seat.  She made her way back to her bedroom and fell asleep.

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