Chapter Five

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"Do you suppose we could get to know each other, maybe a bit more?" Joel offered, opening the door. "Here, there's one place I didn't show you get in the castle.  I can bring you there, if you'd like."

Lizzie considered this.  "Alright," she agreed.  "I doubt I have anything else to do." Truth be told, she had other things she could do.  She could try to find a way to sneak out of this place and return home, or she could go to sleep and wait it out.  But she knew she couldn't bypass all the guards, and even if she did she wasn't likely to survive.  She also knew that she couldn't sleep for another two weeks after her coma.

Joel smiled.  "Follow me!" He left the room, hurrying up the staircase.

Lizzie went after him, curious.  He was so wily compared to her.  She wished she could have that freedom, but her family was far too strict.

Well, I'm not with my family now, she reasoned.  Why not be a little less uptight?

She ran ahead.  "What way is it?" She asked excitedly.  Joel chuckled. 

"Slow down, there's no rush," he said with a laugh, but he also picked up the pace.  He pointed to the right.

"This room?" Lizzie asked, entering the empty room of red terracotta.  The only thing in the room was a single tall painting of a skull. "What is it?"

Joel smiled mysteriously and leapt at the wall, disappearing.  Lizzie's eyes went wide, and she heard Joel calling from the wall.

"Come on!" He called.  She eyed the painting warily but jumped up, somewhat clumsily falling through.  She looked around.

"A secret painting room!" She exclaimed.  "I've heard about those, but we don't have any at home, sadly."

Joel tipped his head, confused.  "Why would you?" He asked.  "Are the houses in your Empire really big enough that even common folk- sorry, just the terminology- could have secret rooms?"

Lizzie froze and laughed nervously, leaning back.  Shoot.  "Ah, o- of course not.  What I meant is, I've never seen one in person.  Ha-ha, weird wording, am I right?"

Joel looked suspicious for a moment, but shrugged.

"Yeah, that makes sense," he replied.

Close call, Lizzie thought, relieved.  I have to be more careful.

"Anyways," Joel said, "Welcome to my secret hideout!" He spread his arms out dramatically.  Lizzie took a moment to appreciate the decoration- there were intricate lamps, bookshelves, a few chairs, a couple plants here and there.  Even the walls were made of yellow glazed terracotta.

"It looks amazing!" She exclaimed.

"Thanks," Joel said.  "I built it," he added after a moment.

"You did?  How?" Lizzie asked incredulously.  Joel grinned.

"There was a cavity in the wall, which I found when I accidentally broke that wall where the painting is," he explained.  "So, I did the only logical thing- I filled it in with my own hideout."

Lizzie nodded.  "That makes sense." She took a sip of water.  "I wish I had a cool hideout."

Joel shrugged.  "Anyplace can work," he pointed out.  "You live in water- find an underwater cave, or something.  Then you just have to claim it as your own."

She thought for a moment.  "I suppose you're right," she said.  "Maybe someday I will make a secret cave hideout."

"That would be so cool!  We could both have hideouts!" Joel exclaimed.  "Just make sure to credit me for the idea."

"Yeah," Lizzie said with a laugh.  "I'll be sure to do that."

Joel smiled, taking a seat.  "Well, then, we have that sorted," he said. 

That was when they heard the explosion.

The Empires Unite - A Jizzie Empires FanficWhere stories live. Discover now