Chapter Five

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Legolas stepped out of the gates, he instructed the guarding elves to close them as Tauriel, Arcturus and him descended towards the river, where they came across an army of orcs. They seemed to chase the dwarves, only shooting at the elves as they began to attack.

Arcturus frowned, watching as the dwarves descended down the river in barrels. They were not attacking Mirkwood, they were only after the mountain dwellers.

Arcturus shot arrow after arrow at the enemy, killing most of them until he ran out of arrows- at which he groaned.

He wrapped his bow around his torso in frustration before jumping down onto an empty barrel in the water, he wasn't inside like the dwarves were, the barrel was basically on its side.

A wood elf threw Arcturus another quiver full to the brim with arrows, causing Arcturus to throw his original quiver at an orc. The quiver hit the orc in the face, knocking him off the log as it stunned him.

Arcturus turned his head back around, noticing the hobbit struggling to keep his head above water. The elf jumped down to him, grabbing the hobbit and flipping the barrel he was on over so he could place Bilbo inside. The hobbit gave him a smile of gratitude as Arcturus jumped into another barrel, where Kili was.

Kili's breathing was rigid and heavy, Arcturus crouched down the best he could and noticed that the dark haired dwarf had an arrow shaft in his leg.

"Kili? Hey, you need to stay awake." Arcturus muttered, poking the dwarf. Kili groaned, moving uncomfortably in the small barrel.

Arcturus found Legolas again as he jumped from a log and landed on top of two dwarves' heads. The two wood elves began shooting at the orcs, killing them swiftly.

Legolas jumped from the dwarves' heads to other heads, Arcturus jumped from Kili's barrel onto Fili's barrel, almost tipping it until he balanced himself.

"Well, hey there." Fili grinned, looking up at Arcturus, he only shook his head in amusement as he shot the orcs that tried to attack the dwarves.

He turned to see that an orc had jumped onto Mera's barrel, the foul creature held his weapon up in an attempt to stab Mera but Arcturus- who had lost the arrow he was gonna shoot it with- jumped from Fili's barrel to Mera's, stabbing the orc with his blade, sending the orc tumbling into the currents below.

Mera sighed in relief, she turned to her husband, who also looked relieved but still frustrated at the elves. Arcturus turned around and refocused his attention onto the prince.

"Legolas!" He yelled out to the prince, he watched in horror as a particularly ugly orc crept up behind him, raising his axe in the air, but before he could strike the woodland prince, Thorin had thrown his own axe at the orc, taking its life.

He quickly turned to look at the angry looking dwarf, before sighing in relief.

"Thank you." Arcturus said, looking at Thorin, who only shrugged it off. Arcturus turned around, giving Fili a wave goodbye as he jumped off of the barrel and back onto land.

"Goodbye, Arcturus!" Fili called, gleefully, he was waving energetically before he went out of sight. Arcturus only frowned in concern, he kept his eyes fixated on Kili, who was still breathing heavily.

Arcturus wanted to go after them, to help Fili's brother but Legolas called for him. He turned around to see the prince gesturing for him to follow him. The brunette glanced at the dwarves again before turning and running after the prince.

Arcturus stopped suddenly as he saw an orc raise its bow, aiming for the blond prince. Arcturus grabbed his blade, ready to throw it at the orc's skull. However, Tauriel came out of nowhere, deflecting the orc's arrow with her own before jumping off the rock and holding a knife to the orcs neck. The brown haired elf came out of the bushes and joined his friends' side.

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