Wrapped Around My Shiny, Pink Nailed Finger

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        "I'm sorry." Nash tells me when I arrive back at the apartments after all my auditions. Tomorrow I have a photo shoot for a clothing line and ugh today was just so exhausting. But the nap with Dylan yesterday helped a lot to give me energy. 

        "Nash you weren't even in the wrong, I was. So I am sorry too." We walk upstairs and go into my apartment, I hand him a sparkling water and I take one for me as well. 

        "No you were right Aves. I use your faults against you and I really have to stop doing that or else I am going to lose a good relationship with you. I  just want what is best for you and its hard when things like yesterday happen because of all the things in the past. And I also don't like Dylan. Cameron doesn't either but I mean I think that is his feelings for you talking. I think he is bad news but you have become brighter and happier with him in your life. I know that both Cameron and I have never been able to make you feel this way. Even Tyler, I didn't like him either and I don't have a reason too because he never makes you look this alive." Nash finishes his short speech and takes a drink of the water. 

        "Oh Nashy, you aren't going to like any guy I date. But you have nothing to worry about there is absolutely nothing going on with Dylan and I. He doesn't like me and I think he has a girlfriend so there is nothing I can do even if I do like him, which I still don't know yet. I just want to be friends right now because he does make me feel happy and alive." We talk for awhile and stop when the door opens, revealing Cameron. Nash leaves after a few minutes of all of us talking - which leaves me alone with Cam. 

        "Listen Avery, you were right yesterday, I'm sorry. I should have stopped Melissa from talking to you like that but I guess that I still was mad at you for some reason. And I did love you, I still do but in a totally different way, but I know now that I can't make you happy like I had wanted. And I did leave you both times you needed me most, I had promised I never would do it yet I did. Please lets just wipe our slates clean and begin again as friends?" Cameron has a speech too and I let out a soft laugh at these two. I have them wrapped around my finger. "By the way I broke up with Melissa." He whispers as I give him a hug. 

        "Well good and Cameron, I'm happy that we are all good now." 

Oh these boys are wrapped around my shiny, pink nailed finger. And I plan to use it to my advantage at every moment possible.


        "Thank God he chose Whitney!" Hailee exclaims as we sit on the couch watching the bachelor. I'm upside down and she's sideways, half off of the couch. 

        "Becca just wasn't right for him, but damn her dress was killer." Hailee laughs at me as I go into detail about the dress and finally throws popcorn at me to make me be quiet. 

        "Oooooohhhh!!" Hailee screams and I flip off the couch in surprise, landing not so gracefully on my back. She barely pays me a glance as she turns up the volume on a movie. 

        I look up to see that it is White House Down. "Really? I fell off the couch because of this?" I send her a glare and she gives me sorry puppy dog eyes. I mean yes I love the movie but I didn't need to fall off the couch. 

        "But-but Channing Tatum..." Hailee says mesmerized by the movie. I roll my eyes at her, I mean her parents probably have his number in the address book. 

        "You do not ever act like a celebrity Hailee." I mutter as I pull out my phone, deciding to stay on the floor, where its safe. 

        "Neither do you miss I get attacked everywhere I go." She mumbles back, trying not to be too loud so she won't miss any of the movie. I laugh quietly as I remember that today Hailee wanted to go shopping and no one was harassing her until they had spotted me, then our fashion trip was ruined. She's still a little sad. 

        "What is up buttercups?" We don't turn our heads to acknowledge Dylan walking into the room. "Oh hello Dylan, is what you are supposed to respond with." He explains slowly but we still don't reply, I am now watching the screen as a fighting scene happens. 

        "Oh hello Dylan." I finally mutter as he lifts my feet and sits down. I send him a glare. "You couldn't have sat somewhere else?" 

        "No I like this spot. So are you two going to the AMA's tomorrow?" This catches Hailee's attention and she pauses the movie. I mentally curse Dylan, the one second that Hailee isn't talking about it he just has to bring it up. 

        "Yes we are. No matter how hard Avery whines and complains I am making her go. I want to go and I really don't feel like going with anyone else. Are you going?" Hailee asks Dylan, turning her full attention to him. 

        "Yes I am going and I was actually needing to ask Avery something." At his tone I sit up and send him a confused look. 

        Hailee grins as she watches us and I am really tempted to send her the bird but I refrain from doing so. "Oh and what is the question that you need to ask my dearest friend brother?" Hailee asks and I send her a dry look. 

        "Avery would you be my date for tomorrow?" My mouth drops open and Hailee lets out another squeal of delight. 

        "Uh why me? Why not Jessa?" I ask as I suddenly become nervous. He should really ask Jessa, I mean I am already going with Hailee. I can't just leave her, even if she wants me to go with Dylan she is my best friend I will not abandon her. 

        "Well because I want to go with you. And why would I ask Jessa? She's just someone I occasionally hook up with." He says as if its obvious. 

        "I'm already going with Hailee though." I say as calm as I can to try to stop my wildly beating heart. 

        For a second it looks like his face falls but in an instant his usual smirk is back on, making me think I had imagined the disappointment. "Well the other day you did agree with me that maybe me being your fake boyfriend would throw off Axel and his friends." I silently curse, I was hoping he would have forgotten that. 

        Hailee now knows everything, I told her on Tuesday after I was done talking with Cameron. She went from crying to about to murder them in about the span of five seconds. 

        "I was also half asleep when I agreed to it." Is my weak defense, I think it works but when I see the amusement in his eyes I know that I am wrong. 

        "Yeah and half dressed." Dylan states cockily and my face ignites with a blush at his words. So what I was tired. 

        "Oookayy what Avery means is that she would love to be your date for tomorrow, so long as she is seated beside her best friend." Hailee tells Dylan before I have the chance to wring his neck. 

        I'm about to disagree when one look from Hailee tells me to shut it, and I do. "Well we should all ride over together, make sure to be ready by five." With that Dylan leaves. 

        And then the Hailee tornado took over. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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