Sluts are overrated

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"Where did you get the fast cash from?" Cameron asks as him and Nash come into my apartment as I cook an omelette.

"If it's porn I will kill you." Nash tells me as I burst out laughing.

"It's modeling. Not porn." Porn? Who do they think I am?

"Not that great but whatever. So are you gonna make us omelettes or..??" Nash asks as I slide them both an omelette.

"Thank you." Cam says and we both raise an eye brow at him. Thank you? He's never nice to me.

"Dude, what's with the manners?" Nash asks with his mouth full. Such a stunner (note the sarcasm.)

"I can't say thank you to Avery?" Cameron asks as I lean on the counter after flipping my omelette.

"Not really. You never say thank you, you just expect it." I grab Nash's plate and put it in the sink.

"Fine, fuck you Avery." Cameron says sarcastically and I let out a laugh.

"You two are so weird sometimes." I take a bite of my omelette and look at them.

"Well at least us weirdos have dates tonight." Nash tells me and my eyes shoot up.

"You guys have dates tonight?" My voice comes out a little quiet and I clear my throat.

"Yup we do, hot ones at that." Cameron tells Nash and they both grin.

"Well erm that good for you guys?" I put the dishes into the dishwasher and Nash raises an eyebrow.

"You can meet them tonight if you want." He says and I nod.

"I'll be sure to be here then." I fake a smile and they just shrug in return.

"Alright so we'll be out for awhile. You can manage here, right?" Nash asks as they get up to leave.

"Yeah I can manage, don't worry." I tell them as they walk out the door.

Cameron going on a date? That actually kinda hurts. I guess anything between us is really done with.

"Ms. Grier a package is here for you." My doorman, Harold, says through the phone.

"Alright. I'll be right down." I hang up the phone and throw on yoga pants and a tank top and head downstairs.

"Harold, your new favorite tenant is here." I tell him as I turn the corner.

"I think that I'm his new favorite tenant." A deep voice tells me and I look up to have my voice catch in my throat. When did he move in? He being a sexy new tenant.

"It's from Hailee Ms. Grier." Harold tells me as I pick up the package.

"Thank you Harold. What time is it?" I ask him, I left my phone upstairs.

"It's five. Got a hot date tonight?" New guy asks me as he, not so subtly, checks me out.

"No my brother and friend should be coming back soon. I'm Avery by the way." I tell him and he smirks.

"I'm Dylan." He responds and grabs my box. "I'll help you with that."

"Thanks." I say walking to the elevator.

"Soo Hailee Arnold? You know her?" I roll my eyes and nod.

"Yeah you'll see us in forever 21 in a couple of weeks." I tell Dylan as I unlock my door.

"Wow pretty nice. You don't know who I am do you?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Am I supposed to?" I grab a water bottle and throw one to him.

"Well if you know Hailee you should know me. I'm her brother, I just came back from Australia." Then it hits me. He is Dylan Arnold. How could I have not noticed?

"Ohh yeah now I see it." I tell him as his eyes wonder over to my Xbox.

"You got COD?"

"Who doesn't ?" And that is how the rest of the day went until Nash and Cam come in.

"Who's he?" Nash asks as he buttons the last button on his shirt.

"This is Dylan Arnold. Dylan meet Nash and Cam." I tell them all as I win the last round. "Suck it."

"I just might." Dylan mumbles and winks at me.

"You did not just say that to my sister in front of me." Nash states.

"Mph no. I said it in front of him too." Dylan grins and I laugh softly, feeling the tension in the air.

"The girls are here." Cam states as he looks between me and Dylan.

"Hey Nash. Hey Cam." Says the Black haired girl. The blonde stays quiet as she looks at me with cold eyes.

"Hey Sara." Nash grabs her hand.

"Well we'll be off, later." Nash tells us all and they leave.

"Uh Avery this is Melissa. Melissa this is Avery." He introduces and I smile but she just scowls.

"You're Avery? I would have expected more." She says and the guys fall silent.

"Oh and what did you expect? A walking slut bag? Sorry honey but you'll have to look in the mirror for that." I tell her sharply and I hear Dylan cough to stop his laughter.

"No I was expecting an anorexic twig. But I guess the whale is here." My breath catches in my throat and I bite my lip.

"Well at least through the anorexia I still had boobs. Unlike you who had to get implants." i point to a stretch line.

"Alright Avery, you got your point across." Cameron tells me and I whip around to him and raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"Just because we dated doesn't give you the right to bash my new girl." I grimace and shake my head.

"We didn't even date." I tell him and an unknown emotion passes through his eyes.

"You know what you two should leave. Your 'new girl' seems like such a keeper." Dylan says sarcastically and stands by me as they leave.

"You don't have to stay. I'm just going to eat my weight in food and then work it off." I tell him and he just smiles.

"Well lucky for you I kind of need a food night."

And that's how we ended up with pizza, ice cream, and Chinese takeout.

Sorry it's short but I've been in writers block with this. I know how I want it to climax and end but I am stuck with the filling in part :/ so read, comment, like! Love you guys!

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