Forever 21

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You know that moment when you just want to kill someone so bad but sadly you can't because you have your whole life ahead of you?

Well this was one of these moments.

"For gods sake what the heck do you want!?" I yell into my phone, not checking who the caller was.

"I want for you to get your lazy butt up and come into the living room!" And with that the phone is hung up.

"You better have a good reason for waking me up so early, Hailee." I tell her as I walk down my stairs in spandex and a sports bra.

"Oh you look gorgeous." She says sarcastically.

"Just trying to copy you." I grin at her as I walk to her.

"Look!" She shoves a magazine into my face.

I grab it and look over the cover of the Forever 21 magazine.

"I'm on the cover of it?" I ask more to myself than to her.

"No you're on the back you idiot." She tells me sarcastically as she hands me a hazelnut cappuccino.

"You're forgiven for waking me up early." I say as I sip on my drink.

"Are you gonna get that?" She asks and I raise my eyebrow.

"Someone's knocking on your door, idiot." I roll my eyes and flip her off as I walk to the door.

"Why is everyone up so freaking early?" I ask as I open the door. "Dylan?"

"Hey Avery." He grins and walks in, stopping when he sees Hailee.

"Dylan?" She grins and runs over to him, almost tackling him into a hug.

"Hailee!" Dylan holds her tightly in his arms and soon they pull away from each other.

"What are you doing here?" Hailee asks him as the grin never leaves her face.

"I actually came to see Avery...but im glad you're here too." He says and Hailee looks over at me with a smirk.

"Oh when did you guys meet?" I take a sip of my coffee and shrug.

"A couple days ago. He was in the lobby and we ended up playing COD." I explain to her as I suddenly become aware of what I'm wearing.

"And you two are just best friends now?" She questions, still a bit skeptical.

"I didn't sleep with her Hai." Dylan groans as he sits himself down on my couch and turns on the TV.

"Good. She is off limits to you." Hailee makes a face at her brother's head and I laugh at how alike Nash and I are to them.

"Wait why are you here Dylan?" I ask him as I walk to the stairs.

"Well I didn't want to watch the football game by myself. The Seahawks are playing the Packers in two hours to see who goes to the super bowl." He smiles sheepishly at me. "By the way we need some snacks. I might have invited a few guys over too." My heart beat increases a little and I nod.

"Yeah I'll change and Hailee and I will get some snacks and stuff. But if you want alcohol you have to get it. We're only 19."


"So you and my brother?" Hailee questions as we fill up the cart with food.

"God no. He's 21 but acts as if he's twelve." She laughs at my statement and agrees.

"Aves?" I look up to see Cam and Nash.

"Hey bitches." I grin up at them and they glare at me before staring at Hailee, wide eyed. "Oh uh Nash, Cameron this is Hailee. Hailee these are two idiots that you don't have to be seen with at all costs."

"Uh Uhm hi?" They both offer and Hailee lets out a soft laugh.

"Hey, I've seen your guys's vines. Pretty funny." Hailee compliments them.

"Oh thanks so what are you two doing here?" Cam asks us.

"Getting food for the game. Dylan invited people over so we need a lot." Hailee laughs at how I spit out Dylan's name.

Yes I was going to watch the game but he shouldn't have invited people over to my apartment without asking me.

God he's so careless.

"Ah well Carter is in town for the day, mind if we come over too?" Nash asks as we continue our shopping.

"Well since it wasn't up to me in the first place, yes you can come over." We split ways then and Hailee grins over at me.

"Oh my god! I just met Nash Grier." I roll my eyes because she's THE Hailee Arnold. She meets celebs everywhere.

Oh god I hope this is enough food.

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