Robbie | 032

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            Robbie woke up to Scott hovering over him.

He blinked a couple of times, forcing his blurry eyes to focus on the other Omega. His hair was styled again, no longer a frizzy mess from being in bed, the circles under his eyes artfully hidden under a layer of makeup. He was even in one of his standard suits, carefully leaning over the nest without touching it, so as not to get any of the heat scent on his clothes.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Scott greeted, voice low. His fingers brushed against his forehead, sweeping some of his hair back.

"You leaving?" He asked, grabbing Scott's hand before he could pull away. He brought his inner wrist up to his nose, nuzzling the soft skin there, inhaling his scent. It had mellowed considerably, though heat was still noticeable in it.

"Yes, I need to get back to work."

Robbie fought back a whine. It made him uneasy that Scott wanted to work so soon after his heat ending, he really should take the day to rest. Instead, he just placed a kiss on his wrist before letting go, settling for directing a pout at the other. "Do you have to?"

"My duties don't cease just because I'm in heat, darling." Scott smiled softly, indulgently, leaning down to press a kiss on his forehead. "I'll see you during dinner, hm? The maids will clean up once you get up for the day."

"Okay." He murmured, "Have a good day."

"Thank you. Go and find Allen soon. I'm sure he misses you." The elder left then, the door shutting behind him with a soft click.

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Robbie found Allen in the gardens.

The Alpha was sitting on a bench, slouching with his elbows resting on his knees, lit cigarette dangling between two fingers. Robbie knew that Allen smoked, the smell of it always lingered on his clothes when he did, but he'd never actually caught him in the act. He'd never brought it up, mainly because Allen was an adult who could make his own choices but considering how much Allen seemed to care about his health—he always ate healthy and spent time in the Palace's gym multiple times a week—Robbie was surprised he'd picked up such a nasty habit.

"Does His Majesty know that you smoke?" He asked, mostly to alert the Alpha of his presence. Allen looked up, straightening, and reaching over to put the cigarette out in the dirt of a flowerpot next to him. Robbie joined him on the bench.

He hadn't felt quite right since Scott had left him this morning, an uneasy hum thrumming beneath his skin as he'd gotten ready for the day, washing the smell of Scott's heat from his skin in the shower, resolutely ignoring the maids as they disassembled the nest he'd spent the last week in, windows wide open to air out the heavy pheromones. He'd chosen a more comfortable outfit for the day, a silky button down tucked into soft slacks, the idea of a harsher fabric touching him made him want to burn something.

"I wasn't expecting to see you for at least another day." Allen said instead of answering Robbie's question. He turned toward him; cigarette butt forgotten in the cement pot. His large hand fell on his arm, a reassuring touch, his minty scent overpowering the smell of nicotine in the air. "Are you feeling okay?"

Robbie took a moment to think over the question, trying to properly assess how he felt. Even in the little alcove of the garden, he felt exposed, too out in the open. He should've felt relieved to be outside after being cooped up for the last week, but instead he just felt vulnerable. "Scott decided he felt well enough to get back to work today. I don't agree, but I knew he wasn't going to listen to me."

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