Are You Jealous?

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Gon walked back into the lobby, where he saw the counter clerk from earlier that day. He briefly waved and started walking to his room. His stomach growled a bit, but he figured he couldn't have been that hungry, so he went to the apartment's mini store.

Upon entering, he saw many delightful treats. There was bakery that held many delicacies, such as chocolate cakes, strawberry cakes, pound cakes, pretty much any cake you could think of. Plus, there were some cinnamon rolls and different breads, and many more things that could fill a person rather quickly.

Gon walked to the snack aisle and picked up some small snacks. After deciding that he was satisfied with the items in his hand, he sighed and walked to the counter.

"Find everything okay, sir?" The cashier asked.

"Not really, but it's whatever."

"That's not the best mindset to have, talk to me. I go on break in about 5 minutes, we could grab lunch."

Gon smiled and nodded. After paying for his snacks, he sat in one of the chairs near the pharmacy. At the moment, the cashier was taking his last customer before going on break.

After the last customer left, the cashier put on a light jacket and walked towards Gon, "You ready?"

Gon nods and stands up from his seat, grabbing his bag of snacks and placing them behind the counter for safe keeping.

The two decide to go to a nearby café, one that the cashier recommended.

"So, I haven't seen you around before, I pretty much know everyone in the building. You new here?" The cashier asked.

"Yeah, I actually just moved in earlier today."

"Oh really? You live alone? Or do you have a roomie?"

"A roomie, a flirty one."

The cashier thought about who it could've been. Someone who's flirty? He immediately caught on.

"Would his name happen to be Killua? White hair, blue eyes, really really pale skin?"

"Yep, that's him."

"Oh, I really hope he doesn't try anything with you."

Gon was confused. But at the same time, he knew exactly what the cashier meant when he said that.

"Yeah, me too. By the way, what's your name?"

"Oh right, I never introduced myself. My name's Kurapika."

"Well, nice to meet you, I'm Gon."

"Hm. So, did anything happen earlier that made you feel so... sad or whatever you were feeling earlier?"

Gon debated on whether or not to tell Kurapika. Kurapika was nice enough to offer to talk to him about his problems, so maybe it was worth a shot.

"My best friend came with me to help me move and and meet my roommate and everything. So, when we walked in, she automatically started flirting with him, and he did the same with her. They started planning a sex date right in front of me. To top it off, he started flirting with me too. I didn't know what to do so I decided to just drive around for a bit."

Kurapika hummed, waiting for Gon to continue.

"When I came back, I found her on his lap, they had been having a make out session on the couch. I feel like if I hadn't have walked in, things would've surely escalated."

"So, are you jealous? Is that why you're so.. upset about it?" Kurapika asked.

Was Gon jealous? He really didn't have a reason to be if he was, but he was sure that he wasn't.

"Doubtful. I just met him, there's no reason for me to be jealous."

"Gon, don't get me wrong. I'm straight, but Killua is a really good looking guy. Plus, the way he talks when he flirts is really attractive, so you have plenty of reasons to be jealous."

Gon couldn't lie. It was amusing when Killua tried to be flirtatious, but it also aroused him a bit. Killua really was something else.

"The thing being, I don't know his intentions. I don't know anything about him."

"His intentions? Well, I can probably tell what you're thinking. You think he probably just wants to screw you, right?"

Gon nodded. That really was what he was thinking, and from his pov, he had every reason to believe it.

"Well, that's false. He's very flirty, but he's still all
about consent and making sure you're comfortable."

"I find that hard to believe."

"It's true. Ask some of his ex's. If anything, they wanted to screw him before he even considered. I mean, maybe he wants to screw you, because you're really attractive. Don't take that the wrong way. But what I'm saying is, even if he does want to, he'll wait till you're ready, if you ever are. If you're not, he's still okay with that."

"And you know this how?"

"Killua and I are friends. He tried flirting with me, can't lie to you, I almost fucked him right then and there. But, I'm straight. That's something I know to be true."

Gon knew for a fact Kurapika wasn't straight. He could tell. I mean, Kurapika tried to give off the straight vibe, but Gon could see through it. He knew gay when he saw it. But, he knew that Kurapika could only truly know what he was, and if he said he was straight, then Gon believed it.

"I just don't know what to do. I mean, I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt, but I just don't know."

Kurapika thought about a solution. But, he couldn't really come up with one.

"Just endure it for now, and if you don't like it, let me know. I'll tell the desk clerk to switch your room. If you want, you can come live with me. That's if things get rough." Kurapika offered.

"I wouldn't want to disturb your sex sessions," Gon replied with a giggle afterwards.

"Oh haha. Very funny, Gon." Kurapika said with a roll of his eyes, a playful one.

Gon chuckles as the waitress brings their orders to the table. The two actually hit it off pretty good, as I'm sure you can tell.

After they finished their meals, they decided to head back to the apartment complex. Once they arrived, the two walked back into the mini market and Kurapika took off his jacket.

"Hey, thanks for today. It was nice." Gon said with a soft smile appearing on his face.

"Don't talk like it'll be the last of us. I'm sure you're gonna come to me about something else and we'll be back where we started," Kurapika replied.

Gon was too embarrassed to admit it, but he had a good time with Kurapika. Today was very eventful, but honestly, he could say Kurapika was the best part of it. Kurapika was so patient with him and such a great listener.

That combination was a rare gem for Gon. Most people would rather listen to an elephant run around than listen to Gon speak about his feelings and/or his problems. They always pushed him away when they found out how emotional he actually was.

But he was human. Humans get emotional, humans have emotions in order to be emotional. To express their emotions. But I guess everyone has their own problems to deal with, so Gon telling them about his, was only adding on to theirs.

But Kurapika was different. He was actually willing to listen to every word Gon said. He was understanding and always tried to find a way to assist in finding a solution to the problem. In short, Kurapika was perfect.

His golden locks braided into his man bun so flawlessly, his eyes were gorgeous, two colors mixed to create the perfect eye for such a perfect...

Oh no, is Gon seriously falling for Kurapika after only knowing him for less than 2 hours? Maybe. But would that be the best thing for Gon to do? Does he really want to be in love- well fall for someone so soon? Does he even want love right now?

Well, it appears so..

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